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Messages - ZeHa

Pages: [1]
Tracking / Re: Arpeggio, only 7 half notes?
« on: August 19, 2008, 18:56:26 »
Hehe, indeed... it worked :)

I had C-5 instead of C-4 I assume. Because with C-4 it works perfectly, but with C-5 it won't.

Now, what is the exact reason again? I can't see why the tracker wouldn't play higher arpeggio notes. Because if I play the notes C-6 or C-7, it works too (not the arpeggio, but just playing that note)...

Tracking / Re: Arpeggio, only 7 half notes?
« on: August 18, 2008, 21:09:26 »
Yes, I tried everything from 8 upwards, up to F, but it didn't work, it just played the 7th note and nothing else. The note was C4, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Does it work for you with 059 or 05C or something?

Tracking / Arpeggio, only 7 half notes?
« on: August 18, 2008, 17:57:06 »

I started tracking today (I got into it a bit before, but today I really have to make a tune for a game that needs a Module format soundtrack), and I got a bit confused with the arpeggio effect. Seems like it only works for 7 half notes. I wanted to make an arpeggio with 058, but the 8 didn't get played correctly.

Also, when I saved the module and listened to it in another player (I thought it might be a MilkyTracker bug), it sounded exactly the same.

Is there any reason for this behavior?

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