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Messages - RayRayTea

Pages: [1]
The Lobby / Re: Old modules in exotic format
« on: November 19, 2009, 15:24:18 »
Just gave it a test drive, seems that it doesn't work with the soundtrack from Chaos Engine 1... Which doens't matter much since I prefer the CE2 music anyway XD In my case DeliPlayer performs a bit better, but I'll probably end up using XM more since it has tons of nice plugins and is not discontinued.

Thanks for the replies guys!

The Lobby / Re: Old modules in exotic format
« on: November 19, 2009, 00:44:45 »
Thanks! (Heh figures, a minute after I posted I found a working mirror :-) )

I still can't manage to play all the files even after following these instructions - can you play the smp.ingame_* files too? Even after following XtC'a tutorial I still can't manage to play them. Probably doesn't matter, I guess they're the same files as rjp.ingame_* anyway.

Edit: And out of these files I can play only the first one. Weird...

The Lobby / Old modules in exotic format
« on: November 19, 2009, 00:19:51 »
I'm trying to play some modules in a very exotic format but seems that the recommended player (Deliplayer) is gone from internet (or at least I was not able to find a working mirror - should also be fixed in the modarchive's own help page which is still listing it) and after a few hours of combing various forums and installing stuff I can't make xmplay produce anything else other than "Sorry guys - can't be decoded".

So is there anybody who can play these files and shed a bit of light on this mystery?

The Lobby / Re: Hi!
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:15:20 »
Not primarily but yes :)

The Lobby / Hi!
« on: October 26, 2009, 01:56:43 »
After years and years of lurking (and unsuccessfully trying to obtain some mods for the games I'm working on ;_;) ... it is time to finally publicly say hi ^_^

I work as a 2d artist for video games during the day and as a 2d artist for video games during the night. Hope to have a good time here!

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