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Messages - Bp103

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: Drum mode
« on: March 20, 2010, 23:26:34 »
My idea was really to do the same thing but with instructions and snips and chunks of pattern.

(I'm bad at explaining my ideas. :P)

It would really come in handy when making a chiptune only using 2 samples (square & noise) like most of the songs I make. Sure I can keep putting them in by hand but that drains my motivation fairly quick.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Drum mode
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:14:39 »
My idea is a drum mode where you could bind samples to keys on a octave (also would have to set the pitch for the samples bind on a key so it wont sound weird) so it would kinda be like channel 10 in midi.

Also being able to bind instructions to the key with sample like 290 or 190 or whatever.

Example would be the sample "1" with the instruction "290" at volume "20" pitch "F-6" is binded to key "q" it would output "F-6.120290" at cursor when "q" is pressed if drum mode is active.

It would require no modification to the xm format since its just like going to that sample and pressing the button and putting in all the stuff by hand.

It would make drumming much more easy. For me anyway.

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