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Messages - lextrical

Pages: [1]
NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: lextrical's daily music bean
« on: April 10, 2010, 12:18:34 »
Thanks for the correction.  I imagine that folks may be interested in the Nanoloop stuff too though  :)

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: lextrical's daily music bean
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:55:12 »
You can now access all the Nitrotracker Music Beans to date at -
There'll be plenty more, so please keep tuning in!

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: lextrical's daily music bean
« on: February 28, 2010, 20:45:46 »
I created imaginary Colours in Nitrotracker, but then recorded the individual tracks into Reaper to edit and mix it a bit better.

I did something similar with Monocle Marsupial - I'm quite fond of that one.

Lunchbox D - a track off my album has a backing track that I created and recorded straight out of Nitrotracker and then played live instruments on top of.  You can listen to that here -

I put something new of some nature up every day - so check in to see what I am up to.

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / lextrical's daily music bean
« on: February 16, 2010, 12:08:19 »
I post some form of sonic entertainment every day at

Some of the tunes such as:
are pure Nitrotracker - in fact the second track actually has some Nanoloop sampled throught the DS mic!

and others:
are Nitrotracker augmented with some live instrumentation

And there are plenty more to come! 

You can follow the music beans at


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