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Messages - noobme

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Tracking / Copyrights on samples
« on: December 07, 2006, 20:03:41 »
wow ... just like the whole "Amen break" phenomena (if you dont know what I'm talking about take a few min to educate yourself and check this out:  

now on to sampling and samples... I have been a part of this scene for a long time now yikes almost 18yrs (anybody remember the original United Trackers when it was the United Trackers Federation? if you do you've been around the scence a while and if you were a member Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P )

Everytime I upload a track I know people like you "LonesomeBullfighter" are going to come along and use some of my samples thats why they are there ... kinda not all of them tho.. what Im trying to say is It's always been an unspoken rule man...

I hear samples that I've made and shared in many pieces and I'm ok with that... what I dont like is people outright plagerizing a track or even remixing one of my tracks without asking me.  

DON'T RIP TRACKS. RIP SAMPLES. NO VOCALS OR MELODIES and just a courtesey you should at the lest make every effort to contact the artist and ask them.  

If you intend to remix, ask the artist for permission before you take a track because I think weve had this discussion many times on zillions of different sites... No one likes Rippers Not only is it Wrong its RUDE!  

There are those of us that believe that there is still a "Tracker Collective" and that we are all here to share, help eachother grow and prosper musically... and its people like the kids that banded together and kept modplug going that we look to to keep that spirit alive...    until they get old and jaded like us "OG's" lol and pass the torch on to a younger generation of trackers...

Obviously if you have downloaded samples off one of those P2P programs like Kazza or Limewire yer on your own I don't even want to begin explaining the legalities in that...  


[edited by admin] to make easier reading - big post - break it up, this post has good info , adding paragraphs makes it easier for our non native english readers to read

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