I have been going through many tracks to learn some nice techniques and in a song mind validator by filip skutela, you can here it from scenemusic.net and download there. He has used several samples in 1 instrument and i don't understand how he has mapped the various samples to different notes and also why, doesn't it give some limitations also i think he did to save space, am I right? If you put many samples in one instrument how does it help? Also he makes really complicated songs and I think I've missed a lot and haven't understood much yet about tracking so if you could point me in the right direction it would be great
Also why does he keep changing tick rate/bpm/adding delay? - Does it make the file smaller with less and smaller patterns? And 1 last question in the song forgotten city also by filip there is a part in the 12th pattern 4th channel where there are no instruments but still some swanky
dj like sound plays how?
If you could also share some cool techniques with me it will be much appreciated
Link to mind validator :
http://www.scenemusic.net/demovibes/song/27275/Link to forgotten city :