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Messages - Krellion

Pages: [1]
The Lobby / Re: Can you search MOD files by year?
« on: September 21, 2022, 03:48:46 »
Oh hey, thanks!  ;D

That's actually a good idea.  I didn't know you could search for music that way.

Some of those names you mentioned do sound familiar as well, it's a shame I don't recall any off the top of my head.

The Lobby / Can you search MOD files by year?
« on: September 19, 2022, 03:46:26 »
Like the title says,  are you able to search for music by the year they were created?

I listened to a bunch of mod files back in the 90s so I was hoping I could search for mods that were composed in the 1990's to see if there were any I remember.  ;D

I couldn't see anyway to do it but I could just be missing the obvious.



Can anyone tell me if these musical MOD files sound familiar?  They were taken from audio cassettes when i recorded them in the early 90s.  Even though I remember what some of the names of the files were I have never been able to find them.  My guess is their titles were changed or they are now lost to time....

If anyone knows, could you please point me to where I can get the module?  ;D   Was called VIRUS.MOD  Was called DENTAL.MOD  Pretty sure it was called CLASSICAL.MOD

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