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Messages - w00tguy123

Pages: [1]
Help me find that... / Re: Dumb song I really want to hear again
« on: June 17, 2016, 21:37:29 »
Thanks for the search tips.

Unfortunately, any hint of the melody left me many years ago. It was probably all in a major scale, which would explain why I remember it as a happy song.

I've listened to the "island" songs here before, but I can at least say that rainbow_island.xm has a similar level of complexity to the one I'm looking for. It's kind of like something you would hear on a snes or genesis game, but with a different soundfont. There wasn't any percussion, which added to the softness of the track. The tempo was probably around the same as the rainbow_island one, but could have been half that. The length was relatively short, probably no more than a minute or two.

I'm pretty sure I renamed the file immediately after downloading it, so any memories I have of the name could just be me remembering what I renamed it to.

There was no intro or fade out or much else besides the meat of the song. If I found it I think I would recognize it in the first 5 seconds.

This tune is similar to the style/intensity(?) I'm looking for, but that example is way too somber, and the tempo maybe a little too slow, and the melody doesn't stand out enough.

Help me find that... / Dumb song I really want to hear again
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:08:16 »
I only have very vague memories about it now:

It was a peaceful/happy/simple sounding song. I picked as the "tutorial island" song for an RPG I was trying to make. A lot of the music I've found here sounds amazing and way more intense and complicated than this song was. I don't think there were more than a few channels playing at once, and the instruments were pretty simple and derpy, iirc.

It was about 10 years ago (< 2008 to be safe) that I first heard it, but it doesn't look like this site has a "date" filter so that probably doesn't help. I'm pretty sure it was an .xm file because back then I thought it was the coolest format because it had an "x" in it.

When I tried searching for it a few years ago, the terms I used were "island", "quest", "adventure" and some synonyms. I was looking for the most generic sounding RPG song that sounded appropriate with a terrible low-effort game. I gave up after considering I probably found it on another site, maybe even one that was xm-specific (I really liked .xm for no good reason). Googling "xm music" wasn't helpful.

I doubt anything I just said is worth much, so I'm planning to do a brute force search through every file on this site, but that's going to take forever if I just go one-by-one using the online player. Any tips or links to other sites that might be worth searching? Maybe there is some torrent with all the mod files here so I can quickly skip through tracks?

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