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Messages - TheRektafire

Pages: [1]
Look what I made! / "Going Up"- new short jazz track by me
« on: June 11, 2018, 01:17:16 »
Hey everyone :) Recently I made a song in 2 hours for a monthly speedmusic jam I am hosting on Doomworld forums (which I talked about already in another thread) and uploaded it here. Here is the link:

Also I have some questions about adding titles and genres and stuff to a module. How do I do That? I want to replace the current title of the song which is currently just the file name with the *actual* name, and I want to change the genre from alternative to jazz.

Hello everyone :) I am the organizer of a monthly music jam on Doomworld called "Phoenix Speedmusic Sessions". in PSS you have to make a song in 2 hours using the 3 given themes, you don't *have* to use all 3 but you do have to use at least one. After the songs have been submitted I will give a day or so for people to fix any problems they may have with their entry then I will put them all in a doom wad and upload it to Idgames (the main repository of all doom wads) where people can download them and use them in their maps or as music replacement or whatever.

The 2nd session just concluded and went reasonably well (well, aside from me only putting rhe themes on the Discord server and forgetting to put them on the actual Doomworld forum thread for the whole first hour until i was reminded by one of the people making a song, ooooops  ;D ) But just like last time there were only 3 submissions because, as it turns out, Doomworld has many more mappers than it does musicians... Which is where you guys come in! I was wondering if any of you wanted to participate in the sessions. If you do be sure to join the Discord at and watch out for the announcement threads on DW.

Sampling / Re: Sample Synthesis
« on: November 26, 2016, 19:48:24 »
You could use a program called Caustic :) It is a free DAW for Mac, PC, Android, and IOS that lets you export either single synth notes or whole patterns as WAV files, and of course the whole song itself, should you decide you want to use it instead of FT2 :D It doesn't have support for VSTs unfortunately (being originally designed for mobile and all), but what is there is plenty powerful enough to make pretty much any sound you want anyway, especially if you download the latest beta build form the website, it has a bunch of cool new features that the official version out right now doesn't have :P You have to make an account to get to the part of the forum that has the download in it though, it doesn't show up for unregistered users. If you want to get it the website is

PS: if you do go there tell them I sent you ;)

MilkyTracker News / Re: Website back up and running
« on: November 26, 2016, 19:20:31 »
Awesome! Will this new version be available for Android as well? The version on the Play Store is ridiculously old and looks like it was basically just a direct port of the PC version, it has a mouse cursor and movable windows and everything, even when you're only using a touchscreen :/

Also will there be any new features/fixes/etc in this update?

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