Wanted: Music for Projects / Re: Wanted: Experienced tracker musicians to collaborate on a new web based tracker.
« on: December 29, 2016, 14:25:33 »Really cool tool here-- I actually had the exact same idea (albeit based on protracker) a couple of months back and started working on something called ReacTracker, which was going to be a multi-user collaborative web tracker made using React. I actually bought the domain and everything but nothing ever really came of it.Thanks.
Good luck on this though, looks pretty awesome!
Coincidentally, I tried using React too, after giving up on Angular (which I'm much more familiar with). I like React, it has some great features and capabilities, and keeps things relatively simple, but I found that it still got in the way of raw performance needed for something like this. When I found myself sidestepping all the React features, overusing shouldComponentUpdate() to override the decision making of React in favour of my own, I decided that this use case probably requires more low-level development. It's now developed in relatively low-level Javascript, using a mixture of HTML/CSS and Canvas, with a small, controlled sprinkling of signals/slots and immutable. Means I have absolute visibility and control over what is happening, when.