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Messages - Erik

Pages: [1]
Help Support Topics Archive / Re: Pending upload error?
« on: October 20, 2018, 00:14:11 »
Quite obviously the first upload was not rejected - if there already was a module with the same filename (title doesn't matter), it would have been renamed to something different.
I have removed both tunes from the upload queue, just in case you want to keep the original name (you should not need to rename your song just because of this website). Please prepend your artist name to the filename (e.g. to make filename collisions less likely.

Okay, thank you. I appreciate it.  :)

Help Support Topics Archive / Pending upload error?
« on: October 19, 2018, 04:21:14 »
So I have a module that got rejected an hour ago because the name of the song was the same ("Dance Again", DANCEAGA.IT), so I changed the title (both the file name and song title) to "SynthFreak II.IT" and came back to upload the same song but it seems that the module with the original name is still pending.

Is it an error? If not, can you please remove from the pending uploads (DANCEAGA.IT)? I just hope it isn't too late before it's published after the screening process.

Pages: [1]