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Messages - psenough

Pages: [1]
Inércia might be over but our neighbours in Listenbourg are now hosting their first ever tracked music competition and the entire Inércia Demoparty organization has commited to giving them our total support and help them organize the event! We are also donating the trophies of our cancelled tracked music competition as prizes to them!

If you ran out of time to finish your entry for Inércia, please consider finishing it now and submit it to LSDMC!

Rules: Accepted any original music composed on a scene demo tracked format (MOD, XM, IT, S3M, PT2, AHX, etc), if you composed it on a tracker we accept it as an entry, no special plugins (like VSTs) allowed though. Please submit it using our upload system. Song will be faded out after play time of 5 mins. Deadline for submissions 29 December. Competition will be livestreamed on 30 December.

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