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Messages - Alyctro

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Support / Sample offset?
« on: April 13, 2023, 08:02:48 »
How do i know the exact value i want it to jump to without guessing? I'm also not a mathematician, so the manual doesn't explain anything to me.

MilkyTracker Support / Multisampled amen break
« on: April 12, 2023, 22:41:33 »
I wanted to chop up a break as a single instrument with each hit being a single sample cut from the original loop. All the samples have the same root note. I usually start from C5 or C4 as that's where most vst drums start so it feels natural for my hand. And the only way i found to keep the drum samples at the same speed and pitch was assigning them to the white keys, and just counting down in semitones until i reach the root note again. That seems to work but it's seemingly impractical. Is there a better way of doing this? I don't have any notation knowledge i just do it by ear.

MilkyTracker Support / How do i deselect?
« on: April 09, 2023, 01:18:42 »
Simple question, how do i deselect without using the mouse?
I'll find my self deleting or overwriting something else.

Pages: [1]