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Messages - Neptune12

Pages: [1]
Hi all!

This module was finally found after 20 years!!!  ;D
It's called "Revampness" and it was composed by Inspekdah Deck in 1993.
Also known as Venom.

There was also a remix of it from Chris Korte and it was called "Dandelion-ck"

Best regards,

Hello to all composers and authors of tracker music!

I myself have been composing dance tunes for a long time on Impulse Tracker and Buzz Tracker, I started around 1994-95. Since then I've been looking for a module like this, it's most likely s3m or Mod form, circa 1995 in the Rave-Techno style. A big request to experts - please tell us the author of this track and the title! Thank you very much! I am attaching recordings from the cassette.

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