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Messages - Zeb

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I first came in contact with tracker files on the Amiga.

No idea where it all started but I remember the first demo I saw and it was Demons Are Forever by Doctor Mabuse Orgasm Crackings. Still love that demo now.

I remember many years ago having a copy of Game Music Creator and not really knowing much about the program, a relative had a crack at making a piece of music but we couldn't get a second pattern to play and only had pattern 0 available. Musical family, relative I was with at the time made a snazzy tune up from that one pattern.

It was a few years until I had a crack at making music myself. First was converting the demo tune Grundlagen from Oktalyzer to Protracker 4 channel and I hate to blow my own trumpet but I did a grand job and then went on to add new bits to the tune at the end. The next piece was converting Say Say Say by Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson to Protracker. I did well and liked it but got so frustrated that I couldn't find a sample to fit at one particular place so I ended up deleting it and haven't touched it since. I stick to coding instead, something I've done since the mid 80s.

Why do I stick to these tracker formats? Because so much in the charts now is utter crap. If I listen to the radio it has to be local that has more talking than music because I really don't care much for modern music now - seems to by R&B/rap shite everywhere that puts me in a bad mood.

Just can't beat some well written tracked music.

PC Players / Re: Best XMPlayer-like player for Linux?
« on: December 23, 2023, 02:00:23 »
OK, I know this post is quite old but I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Qmmp.

I'm running Manjaro and use it and Audacity for the majority of my module playing. Has played everything I've thrown at it and as for playback quality - not noticed any problems with anything either.

Feedback & Suggestions / Online Player (suggestion)
« on: December 23, 2023, 01:45:46 »
Any chance of having an option to have the module play only once or even just twice?

Sometimes a module is designed to loop from a certain position to make it sound like it's going on forever, having it play just once you'd lose that.

The number of times I'm having to locate the player window and click pause to stop it playing...

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