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Messages - RedStealth

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The Lobby / Re: Media with tracker music OSTs
« on: January 07, 2024, 13:51:15 »
The soundtrack of Baba is You is actually composed in a tracker software, though (from my knowledge) they come in OGG file. You can find the original IT files here however:

Other games I know that use tracker music are Ion Fury, Unreal, Unreal Tournament 1999, Age of Wonders, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Deus Ex, Tempest 2000, Star Control 2, One Must Fall 2097, Uplink, any of the games by PopCap from back in the day. (Including Plants vs. Zombies: )

That's really interesting actually! I've heard mention of Unreal, but haven't delved too much into it. It's neat to know that somewhat more modern games like PvZ and Baba Is You use tracker music. I'll definitely be looking into these soundtracks.

The Lobby / Media with tracker music OSTs
« on: January 07, 2024, 03:07:31 »
So, I've been working a little bit on a passion project of mine; a digital webcomic that will have accompanying music made in Milkytracker. It's a major reason I decided to finally take the step in composing tracker music myself for once, instead of just admiring the music format from afar.

As part of doing research and gaining inspiration, as well as simply finding some more good tunes to listen to, what are some games, shows, or other media that you know of that have a soundtrack composed entirely or partly in tracker programs? Have you worked on any soundtracks before? Do tell!

So, I grew up without a PC for the better half of my current life, so most of my exposure to great tunes of anything remotely similar to a module format, were the various songs you'd find in the NES, SNES, and Genesis/Megadrive libraries. I grew up with a lot of 16-bit games for the most part, although I did have access to a PlayStation 2 as a kid.

So, fast forward to maybe 2013 or so, and I start learning that they make music that sounds like video game music all on it's own, and it's called chiptune. I listen to a LOT of chiptune when I can, granted I still didn't have a lot of access to the internet at the time.
During 2016 or so, I meet with some people online, and they introduce me to a little song known as StarChips. I was blown away by a chiptune of such structure and quality, and so I simply had to know more. It was in a YouTube video at the time, so I was wondering why it used such a strange looking program with a bunch of mysterious symbols scrolling up some screen.
These people ended up introducing me to the concept of tracker music, even having some of their own to show off, although unfortunately I can't recall any names to try and search for here...

I continued to find and listen to more tracker music, finding such masterpieces as Unreal from Purple Motion, or really any song by Purple Motion.
This music hit the perfect chords of nostalgia that the 16-bit era SNES soundtracks held, as well as the perfect amount of 90s era style that I'd listen to growing up in other kinds of music. Since then, tracker music became my favorite genre of all time, and will continue to be. ;D

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