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Messages - LinuxHata

Pages: [1]

Shazam gives wrong results.
This is definitely .MOD file, judging by quality and number of the voices.

Solving this might help solving a lostwave song search, which is ongoing for 40 years already!

I had it around 1994.
These two names I provided aren't ones from that song
these are generic names of the typical amiga module samples.

There is a "most mysterious song on the internet", also known as "blind the wind", "like the wind" and so on. No one knows it's real name nor who singing it. However, as I reckon, I had the .MOD file for it, but unfortunately, I did not know the file name. Only what I remember that samples had names like DigDug, HallBrass and so on - typical set of Amiga samples. Checking this archive for "like the wind", "blind the wind" and so on brings up wrong results, which are quite logical, since we don't know the song name.

So maybe anyone remembers that module file?
Here's the link to the song:

Help me find that... / Re: A random Piano tune
« on: June 28, 2024, 23:52:46 »
This appears to be a cover of "Omen 3" by Magic Affair.

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