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Messages - cma_thedopeman

Pages: [1]
Help me find that... / Looking for a tracker song
« on: July 31, 2024, 02:24:41 »
Hello. I am looking for the tracker song that plays during the Gaming Age bumper, time stamped at 5:50 here:

The portion in the video is part of the song intro, however I remember hearing the entire song in a video uploaded to YouTube in 2009 or 2010 by user LegacyMicro. It was a video about the restoration of an old MS-DOS PC that had a NexGen Nx586 CPU and motherboard. The particular video which contained the same has long since been taken down and it has not been mirrored (that I know of) so unfortunately I cannot share it here. LegacyMicro's videos always had tracker tunes in them, so I can only assume this song I'm looking for is also a tracker tune.

The only other real information I can give is that the rest of the song has a hip-hop/funk vibe to it.

I understand this is not much to go off of, but any and all help is appreciated!

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