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Messages - KynikosDrakon

Pages: [1]
Done. You may check now  :angel:

That did it, thanks so much and sorry for the hassle!

Part of it is on me, so I apologize still. For some solace you can maybe add a dummy sample, so that the hash is different. That way I can correctly merge the tune

I uploaded it again with a dummy silence sample and additional text tacked onto the IT message block.

Think I merged it incorrectly, now it might reject the upload again due to hash similarities  :-\

Well crap, sorry for causing a problem with the system with my dumb mistake.

I should let this be a lesson for me to not be so hasty to commit to something until I'm thoroughly sure I didn't mess up somewhere.

Upload the module with the different filename as usual and I will merge it after



I recently produced a cover of "The Waking World" from FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, but I must have been immensely sleep deprived because I didn't notice along Channel 1 I had a Set Tempo effect command set to a incorrect value on a singular row which messed with the timing of the song.

While I was fixing that mistake, I then noticed the timing was still off so I rewrote that entire Set Tempo spam to alternate between 90 and 91 and that seems to be as close as I can get the timing to work. I also was missing a component of the second chord that kicks in halfway through the second pattern.

I don't know what the policy is for updating a file but I've attached the fixed version here.

Can the module I uploaded a few days ago be replaced with this fixed version?

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