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Messages - kyoat

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: gp2x vers. feature requests
« on: March 06, 2008, 07:06:57 »
aarrggghh, just found the other post about milky on the f200
especially regarding the touchscreen....

maybe the shoulder buttons would be good for stepping through patterns?
what other things  do you think could make it a more streamlined program
on this platform?

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / gp2x vers. feature requests
« on: March 06, 2008, 04:02:20 »
just got my gp2x and 've been using the milky for it all day.
what a powerful unfinished program. its so close.
im using the touchscreen (heretofor referred to as TS) version (f200) and the TS is a little buggy. the buttons click but take no action :(
really wish that would get fixed. playing the TS keyboard and drawing in my own samples would be amazing.

the only other request i have is maybe the Y & X buttons could step up/down the sequence?
so they could be programmed more fluidly. and maybe select as stop?

id love to beta test btw...

The Lobby / 'yello, im the kyoat
« on: March 06, 2008, 03:55:08 »
hello there.
i am a musician who wishes i could play a real instrument,
but i keep getting distracted by all this electronic freedom.
i used to have an mpc 60 and a waldorf microwave xt. theyre gone
now, sadly. but i have a much more portable music device- the gp2x.

i love milky tracker and was delighted when it was released in a portable format.

anyway back to me, im currently in milwaukee, mid 20's, capricorn,
favorite color is green, hmmmmm

if i think of anything else ill edit the post

nice tomeet y'all


Pages: [1]