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Messages - arist9912

Pages: [1]
Tracking / Re: Effects Emulation
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:14:15 »
Ok, i give up. the effects can't be completely emulated. So, i've heard about a dos emulator for android called DOSbox turbo. will run impulsetracker on it without trouble?

Tracking / Effects Emulation
« on: December 13, 2013, 18:20:11 »
Hi, i´ve started using milkytracker due it is avaiable on android but it supports only XM modules, so i ask:
-How I emulate the filter cutoff effect?
-How I also emulate the Low-pass and High-pass filters?
-How I emulate resonance?

These effects are from ImpulseTracker


PC Players / Re: NfmM MOD Player
« on: December 13, 2013, 16:57:28 »
Why limit it at all? There are mods well over the 10 minutes barrier.
Check e.g. the famous modfil11.txt or other documentation available at ModLand, though I didn't read through those documents, so cannot comment on their accuracy (which is a big problem with many documents about module formats).

Or try to examine the code of IBXM(a mod player, plays MOD, S3M and XM; the sourcecode is included in the jar file)


For the playback time limit, in the ModArchive there are modules with 1 hour lenght

Project / Coder's Corner / Looking for a IT player sourcecode
« on: August 03, 2013, 06:34:18 »
Hello, I´ve look for module players like ModPlug Player(very ancient), XMPlay and others, also i discovered players programmed in java (both desktop and mobile). So there is the question:
Do you know any sourcecode for IT playback in java? If not, is there any functional player sourcecode?
(like c++, python)


Mobile Phone Players / Re: MOD Player for Cell phone
« on: August 21, 2012, 22:03:57 »
hello. anyone knows a java midlet (j2me) module player? (not symbian or android) thanks

Pages: [1]