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Topics - jazzpirate

Pages: [1]
Help Support Topics Archive / Page Quota Exceeded
« on: March 10, 2010, 05:03:14 »
Hello! I'm clearly quite new here!
I went and broke your page quota! sorry!

Long story still fairly long,

I'm absolutely THRILLED to find that you've got Jogeir Liljedahl's work archived here, I stumbled across his stuff back in like.. '98? '99? sometime around there. And when I found an ancient disc that was mostly corrupted with time and scratches, I found his Guitar Slinger track, (which was my favorite back in the day) still intact, and discovered how the hell to spell his name! and that's how I ended up here.

SO, to avoid being without his glorious music for another 10 years, I thought I'd collect the whole pile from here right now, which I'm afraid set off the bot detector, and understandably so! I apologize for eating up all the internets, I don't suppose I could be unblocked so I could finish archiving it? or better yet, does anyone have the archive they could share somewhere like Rapidshare or Yousendit or something? I would really appreciate either of those options!

Again, I'm very sorry for eating up your bandwidth guys! You've got a fantastic sub-culture running here, and I'd hate to anger it!
Thanks for your time!


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