Sampling / Instrument sounds that I programmed by myself; public domain
« on: July 03, 2016, 04:30:51 »
All of these instrument file I made up by myself; all are public domain and include the source-codes (which are much smaller than the instrument files they produce). They can be used with any program that can load .XI instruments.
Download: http://zzo38computer.org/xm/xipack1.zip
I have used this shell script for testing:
You can tell me if you like it or hate it or whatever else. You are free to modify them too if you want to.
Download: http://zzo38computer.org/xm/xipack1.zip
I have used this shell script for testing:
Code: [Select]
#!/bin/bash --
( echo $'#EXTENDED\n@0="'$1.xi\" ; awk 'x+=/^#T/' < $0 ) | amigamml | playmod c=1 f=44100 b=16 v=140 | aplay -t raw -f S16_LE -r 44100
#TEMPO 100
A v64@0o4l1 cfgc'<gck2
You can tell me if you like it or hate it or whatever else. You are free to modify them too if you want to.