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Messages - tritonfx

Pages: [1]
Project / Coder's Corner / Re: How does the online player work?
« on: April 13, 2010, 00:14:56 »
I was working a bit on it today since I had nothing else to do and got pretty good results ... except the dswifi library is really slow. Tops out at around 10 kilobytes per second making anything larger than 100 kB or so a long wait to download. :(

Project / Coder's Corner / Re: How does the online player work?
« on: April 12, 2010, 04:04:33 »
Well, aren't there mod players for the DS already?
None that download :(

Project / Coder's Corner / Re: How does the online player work?
« on: April 11, 2010, 01:25:39 »
I wasnt leeching from MA.  I used a local zipped file to test if downloading would work because conceptually itd be similar to opening a file as I was testing on an emulator. This was meant for the ds.  I used this as a proof of concept and was going to apply for an api key if it worked but it didnt.

Project / Coder's Corner / How does the online player work?
« on: April 10, 2010, 22:33:49 »
Hey guys, I was going to make my own modarchive streamer but lucked out whe. I found out that samples are stored in the end of a .mod file so I would have to download the entire file before playing it.  I was wondering if the online player downloaded it completely first?

Project / Coder's Corner / Re: unzipped downloads?
« on: March 22, 2010, 13:09:14 »
Hehe. This'll give me a chance to hone my programming skills then.

Project / Coder's Corner / unzipped downloads?
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:23:12 »
Does the api link you to unzipped versions of the files? Just curious atm and trying to figure out how to unzip it fast enough while streaming.

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