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Messages - Relabs

Pages: [1]
Tracking / Re: Different between the modules
« on: July 25, 2008, 23:27:30 »
Now, if you're going to use Modplug Tracker (OpenMPT), you have to realise that it's IT format is completely different from Impulse Tracker's. OpenMPT has taken the IT format into the twenty-first century with plugins, automation, tunings, and a thousand more things besides.
I would like to add a point of view here that the IT format that OpenMPT uses is not completely different from that of Impulse tracker in the sense that one can produce 'standard'(at least enough so) IT-files with OpenMPT, but unfortunately since the user interface is implemented so that user has practically no information what is extension and what is not, it may be difficult to avoid them.

Quote from: m0d
But this does not allow you to use PD in commercial products. It's NOT allowed. Just because it's in the public domain does not mean the copyright has gone.

I could quote you with "Utterly false statement". In all contexts I can remember except your definition, "public domain" means that the copyright has been given up. Some quotes:

"The public domain is a range of abstract materials – commonly referred to as intellectual property – which are not owned or controlled by anyone."
Source: Wikipedia(

"Dedicator recognizes that, once placed in the public domain, the Work may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and in any way, including by methods that have not yet been invented or conceived."
Source: Creative commons(

The only things i could recommend to test: log out, clear cookie and log in again.

Doesn't solve the problem.

For sometime now(maybe a few months), every time I've logged in to modarchive forums and pressed "Show unread posts since last visit", there are no items in the list, while new post certainly has appeared since last visit, and I don't think someone has stolen my account information and somehow is able to log in always after last post before my log in. Not a major problem, but bit of annoyance anyway.

By the way, I didn't see anything mentioned earlier about it, but what are the new features of the MPTM format? :)
Compared to the 'highly extended' IT, it has extended pattern and order ranges(65000) and the tuning-feature - so 'new format' may give an impression that its something greater that it really is. What comes to the tuning-feature(which is still in experimental stage like the 'format'), it makes it possible to set the frequency of every 'note' individually without using lots of detuned samples or such - for example if one has midikeyboard, "note" for every key can be assigned individually. But indeed, this won't likely be a feature that interests that many people, but, who knows what one can find by experimenting :)

i guess it can be useful in various music styles, not only oriental stuff... I can image using it for drumsets for example...

One feature that might be of interest when dealing with drumsets, is that the name of the note can be assigned individually for every 'note'. The set of characters than can be shown on the pattern screen is, though, quite limited, and the feature may contain other defects as well.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: MPTM Support
« on: July 31, 2007, 23:41:14 »
industry standard Modplug tracker format: MPTM.


edit: does modplug tracker make incompatibel xms?

With MPT/OpenMPT one can add 'extensions' to XM that won't be played by most XM players, but certainly one also can create XMs which playes in XM players. The unfortunate thing is that the GUI doesn't give indications which features are and which are not 'extensions'.

Quote from: "Jojo"
edit: don't rush, the file format is not really public yet ;)

No rush indeed - it's still on quite experimental status  :)

Quote from: "woolters"
But whenever I try to win some new tracking souls among my friends and acquaintances, I have to hook them up with MPT 1.17, because MPT 1.16 isn't downloadable from their website anymore.
As far as I've used it yet, it could go straight down the sewers.
It's terrible for someone who's used to the Fasttracker 2 colour and keyboard setup.

I'm quite surprised how often I hear how people don't like, or don't even dare to try, the open source version, while my thought is closer to 'did something change?' when speaking about way GUI works. What comes to the keyboard setup, it is configurable, so slight changes can be easily 'fixed', and there are different keyconfigfiles in the release package, one of which even has "FT2Style" as part of its description.

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