MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: First song, critique welcome!
« on: June 18, 2009, 21:20:31 »
Haha, and I can understand the thing about the arpeggio. I wanted to have a melody with arpeggio just because I remember an awesome song from a very old Amiga demo, and it had lots of arpeggio. 
I belive the lesson is "do not add effects to add effects, add them to improve the sound."
Thanks to you both for strengthening my spirit! I'm off to track some more, I think I'm becoming addicted...
Oh, and raina, you most certianly already know it - but your mods rule.

I belive the lesson is "do not add effects to add effects, add them to improve the sound."
Thanks to you both for strengthening my spirit! I'm off to track some more, I think I'm becoming addicted...
Oh, and raina, you most certianly already know it - but your mods rule.