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Messages - looper231

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7
Players / Re: Question about Volume Slide (Axy)
« on: February 29, 2024, 06:26:56 »
The volume slide effects persist even after the commands, meaning that you'd have to initialize the note again to get the volume back.
The envelopes are still in effect by the way, so your note might fade out with the envelope faster than it would do with effect commands. You'll most likely never see volslide used on instruments that have the fade out. the command doesn't fully ignore the envelope however, it it still keeps track of it, so you can have a tremolo with envelopes and fade out with volume slide at the same time.
Note that the command has a 00 value, which just continues the value that was specified in the earlier row.

Players / Re: Question about Volume Slide (Axy)
« on: February 28, 2024, 08:34:19 »
The volume slide effect ignores the envelope and slides the sample volume value when triggered

The Lobby / Re: What is ChipTune?
« on: February 10, 2024, 23:59:35 »
The original meaning of chiptune comes from the warez scene, where people tried their hardest in cracktro sizecoding. Chiptune is the gente of music that intends to emulate the way old soundchips sound. Trackers composed that way tend to be very small in size, hence why in most cracktro/keygens, you will hear 8bit music. Nowadays the term is really broad and doesn't have any definite explanation. Most people treat tracker music and chiptune equally even...

I've been meaning to ask this.

by saying "believe it's full of modules the dev got from here", are you 100% sure the tunes were genuine trackers?

Are there any objections if I upload a copy to my own cloud for reservation? (As well as uploading it to

Seeding as well

Currently downloading. Will seed when it's finished

Help me find that... / Re: Does anyone know this song?
« on: January 21, 2024, 00:07:14 »
This sounds like a SID tune. Could be an AHX too...

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: Re: duplicate modules
« on: January 13, 2024, 01:10:49 »

I’ve merged all these to the 58075 ID- do we know if the Nuke account on TMA is the same guy?

The author of the modules is British. The only artist account I've found on TMA states, that they're from Finland

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