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 on: January 30, 2025, 22:51:04 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
v2.8.1 final released.

The only change is a fix of a nasty bug that was occurring with 64 bit built versions.

 on: January 27, 2025, 18:35:22 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
Final version released today.

 on: January 25, 2025, 16:59:46 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
V2.8.0 "PRE RELEASE 2" available (if you're interested).

 on: January 22, 2025, 05:47:45 
Started by m0d - Last post by RetiCence
I've been working on a console/terminal based player, heavily inspired by DMP and similar players. It's kind of a GUI for libopenmpt, native Windows 32/64 bit only. Open Source.

Found here:
As it's still a bit in development, latest binaries are provided with the source code tab/section.


 on: January 18, 2025, 17:21:53 
Started by cCc_DragonLord_ↄↃↄ - Last post by cCc_DragonLord_ↄↃↄ
Greetings, Mod Archive members.

So, today I've finished my module made in OpenMPT for 2 days (yesterday - today)

Here's module

As a beginner musician I find it very important to see your feedback

 on: January 18, 2025, 03:21:15 
Started by theta/void - Last post by theta/void

I've been working on this baroque-themed tune for a couple days and I'd love some feedback on it.
It's far from finished, and a little repetitive.
I'm very open to suggestions on where to take it next,
in fact I think that would help a ton!

( hopefully I've done this right lol )

 on: January 17, 2025, 21:56:13 
Started by Sma - Last post by Sma
So, I finally updated my Android player (Android 8+). I´m using libopenmpt for playing the library's supported formats. I first wrote the routines for mod and xm myself, but that was too much work for such a hobby project, so I decided to use this great library!

The player is not finished yet, subsongs are not selectable, a playlist is missing and there is no configuration page yet.
There are also a few minor issues such as scrolling back from the tracker view when a module has more than 4 tracks. This is a nested scrolling problem, but I still don't know if the problem is on my side or on Google´s.
You can mute the channels in oscilloscope view oder tracker view and solo them with long press. Long pressing forward/previous buttons for song position jump selects the next/previous song.
I also wanted to add support for the AHX format at some point, as the sound of these files reminds me a lot of the good old Amiga :-)

You can find the player here:

I would be happy to receive any feedback, suggestions or information about problems or errors!

 on: January 15, 2025, 17:03:14 
Started by ALC - Last post by looper231
We're currently trying to figure it out. We'll post the news once it's available  :angel:

 on: January 15, 2025, 16:59:24 
Started by repellantmold - Last post by looper231
and this one as well.

Assigned to ID 93815

 on: January 15, 2025, 16:58:49 
Started by Gyrominiac - Last post by looper231
Granted. I've said this already in the discord, but I'll mention it here too for others. Please be attentive with what you upload. File renaming is experimental and I don't want to use it as much.

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