Today's the 7th day that I've been working on my
Centipong game.
That means that tomorrow's the 1 week anniversary!
As such, I'll be releasing (probably) the final version, and I think it's about time I stopped using that "Only Temporary" track that I've been using all week.
Unfortunately, I'm a really rubbish composer, so only the title theme's been done.
So, what I'm looking for is an artist or two to contribute to this little project.
Just a few little mods that can play randomly whilst the game's going, maybe with a nice fade in/out between levels.. that sort of thing.
But to keep the filesize down (currently just over 2Mb) I'm also asking that the mods are about 50-100Kb each.
So, sci-fi/space/retro or whatever you think will fit with the game. (if you want to rest it, overwrite "system/m004/2ND_PM.S3M" with your mod of choice.. Blitz can deal with incorrect file extensions, so it should be able to play whatever you throw at it, so long as it's mod/xm/it/s3m.
And, again, I'm after tomorrow (Tuesday 15th Jan) being the final release date, so asap!
Thanks muchly.
(and if anyone feels they can do better than my quickly done intro theme, feel free!. But quick!)
|edit| And I should probably add, freeware game + done in a week = no payments!! It's just for fun.. |edit|