This file was attempted to be uploaded to The Mod Archive. It was simple enough to spot as it is a 1:1 copy of T-Tracker's famous tune. Song name and sample texts largely remained the same, just the author name and greetings were exchanged (and even "Play this in FT2 only" was changed to "Play this in MPT only!"... LOL).
Apparently this full rip was made for a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 level: "Mc Toni of Creative Trackers"
Filename: firestorm.xm
Title: ‚ ‚ FIRESTORM
MD5: 42d930bcb42d12d6187e8ceb4266cbf2
Original: firestorm.xm
Original Title: ‚ ‚ FIRESTORM
Original MD5: 96e955d955df2b35dac2eeaf0e635ad9
By: t-tracker