Hi All,
I posted here a short while ago about a new project I'm working on to create a FastTracker 2 style application as a web based tool, tentatively called "WeTracker".
http://wetracker.herokuapp.comhttps://pgregory.github.io/wetracker/https://github.com/pgregory/wetrackerWhile it is still early days in it's development, it is already fairly complete in terms of .xm format support, it runs most of the common effects, and has a basic pattern and instrument editor. I don't think it's quite at the stage yet where someone could create music from scratch, but it's not far off.
I'm looking for someone with the musical talent, and experience of using tracker software, to guide the direction of the application from this point forward. Up to now I've basically been defining the roadmap by looking at other trackers and aiming to get to some level of basic feature parity. What I really want to do now is to start adding features and improving current functionality based more on real world requirements, defined by people actually using it and finding it's limitations and/or suggesting useful new features.
I'm very much a hacker at heart, I can deal with most of the coding requirements, but with the best will in the world, I'm not yet a musician. The project would benefit greatly from creative input by the sort of people who might actually use it.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask, I'll happily respond to anyone either here or through my github account.