Hi there, folks! Sorry for have been silent during the summer. Firstly, I and my family had to move into a new home my brother and I bought recently. Been living in the new house for 3 months now and all going well so far. Now to the topic.
I have spent a lot of time doing the fictional Last Ninja 4 Amiga music, dubbed LN4. On my HKvalhe channel at YouTube, my LN4 Amiga music has become popular. I plan to release a packed MOD collection of the first 6 Amiga tracks for the Phillipines levels
of the fictional LN4 game, and the other 7 Amiga tracks for the Brisbane levels when they are completed. I'm using the NSM patched version of OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c with the PPC native version of TheMaestrix AHI tool for my AmigaOS4 system, that is AmigaOne 500 aka SAM460ex. Soon to move over to my new AmigaOne X5000!
Firstly, I have reworked both LN4 Lv1 and Lv2 tracks. Lv3 remains the same, being very atmospheric. Lv4 and Lv5 been released as well, all of them on YouTube.
https://youtube.com/HKvalheEspecially the LN4 Intro, Lv4 and Lv5, have gotten great feedback and ratings.
Just wanted you to know, if you're interesting. The Cover pantings done by myself as well, with the PPC native version of Personal Paint 7.3c.
Take care
Best regards