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Author Topic: Project ST-01: The instruments behind the historic ST-01 sample disk revealed  (Read 115509 times)

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Here is a quick update on 99% positive identified ST-01 (46/126) sample sources prior to going online. I have leads for another 30 or so, I'm really struggling with the percussion and there is definitely a missing synth.

ST-01 Sample: Source Synth: Source Preset & Name:
Call ROLAND D50 I-16 Living Calliope
DigDug YAMAHA DX21 G13 P1 Solid Bass (aka Lately Bass)
DigiHarp ROLAND D50 I-12 Metal Harp
DXBass YAMAHA DX21 G13 P1 Solid Bass (aka Lately Bass)
DxTom YAMAHA DX21 G9 P1 Electro Tom
FaeryTale CASIO CZ-101 Fairytail
FunkBass YAMAHA DX21 G13 P6 Elec Bass
Heaven ROLAND D50 I-61 Staccato Heaven
HeavySynth YAMAHA DX21 G10 P1 Heavy Synth
Heifer YAMAHA DX21 G9 P8 Heifer Bell
Hooman ROLAND D50 C-67 Choir
Horns YAMAHA DX21 G5 P1 Horns
JahrMarkt2 ROLAND D50 C-12 Metal Harp
Jetes ROLAND D50 I-54 Jete Strings
Koto YAMAHA DX21 G6 P7 Kotokoto
Licks ROLAND D50 I-85 Bones
Mechanic1 ROLAND D50 I-81 Intruder FX
MetalKeys YAMAHA DX21 G7 P4 Metal Keys
MonoBass YAMAHA DX21 G13 P4 Mono Bass
MuteClav YAMAHA DX21 G11 P5 Mute Clav
Nice ROLAND JUNO106 A33 Xylophone
NightMare ROLAND D50 I-71 Nightmare
Outlaw ROLAND D50 I-21 DigitalNativeDance
PingBells ROLAND JUNO106 B77 Pingbell
Pizza ROLAND D50 I-44 Pizzagogo
PolySynth ROLAND D50 I-55 Stereo Polysynth
PopBass YAMAHA DX21 G13 P1 Solid Bass
RichString YAMAHA DX21 G4 P6 Richstring
RingPiano ROLAND D50 I-78 Pianissimo
Shamus ROLAND D50 I-41 Shamus Theme
SixTease YAMAHA DX21 G3 P6 <6 Tease>
SlapBass ROLAND D50 I-83 Synth Bass
Stabs ROLAND D50 I-25 Harpsichord Stabs
Steinway YAMAHA DX21 G1 P1 Deep Grand
Strings7 ROLAND D50 I-A1 Legato Strings
SynClaves YAMAHA DX21 G9 P3 Breakin
SyntheBass YAMAHA DX21 G13 P3 Synthe Bass
TineWave ROLAND D50 I-56 Tine Wave
Touch ROLAND D50 I-16 Living Calliope
Voices ROLAND D50 I-17: D50 Voices

All of the above are based on original factory synth presets. 

Some of the Amiga samples have been made using delays and
tailing of the original source - eg. Call

NB: Some ST-01 samples appear to be transposed by 1 octave and given
another name - hence the reason why some synth presets appear
more than once. Last Update: 27/07/08 D.Wilson.

The synth sounds I'm clueless on at the moment are: 


Any more clues would be great  :)

Dan Wilson, Hideaway Studio.

Err Dan..  is there supposed to be smoke coming out of your Omni-2?


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Wow, quite a bit of research done there. :) Nice job :)
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Indeed. That's an amazing list. Thank you for the work :)
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st-01:PopSnare2 is a Snare with Reverb from the LinnDrum =)

edit: i always wanted a roland d-50... now i got a good reason  ;D
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 03:54:09 by dr_mabuse »


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 :) oooh many thanks for that one - I've got a Linn sample set on my EIII somewhere - I'll check it out.


Err Dan..  is there supposed to be smoke coming out of your Omni-2?


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Found some more:

the ST-01:Snare1 is a Pitched up BassDrum (YES NO SHIT  ;D) from the Kawai R-50 Drummachine,

the ST-01:Claps2 is from the Kawai R-50 too and the ST-01:Claps1 is from a old Yamaha Drummachine (dont know the Name, maybe RY-10 or another)

the "Aligator", "KorgString" & "Wabberstring" seems to be the same Sound with some modifications
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 02:51:45 by dr_mabuse »


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Hello  :) - are you sure it was the R50 as this was released in 1988 - the R100, it's big brother, was released earlier.  ST-01 was released in 1987.

As for "Aligator", "KorgString" & "Wabberstring"  - I came to the same conclusion - the question is which Korg of the era is it - is it Korg Poly-800, 61 or DW6000, DW8000?

I will have a closer listen to the older Yamaha drum machines - many thanks for your suggestions.
Err Dan..  is there supposed to be smoke coming out of your Omni-2?


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hmm, yes you are right, its the r-100 then (they got the same sounds)...

i also found out that some drum samples are also on the Datadisk from "Dynamic Drums" ...
(BassDrum2, Conga, Hihat2 and some more..)


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What is the goal of Project ST-01? Is it documenting the sample sources or should we start crossing our fingers and holding our breath for a high quality remake of the set? :)


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This project originally started just to satisfy my curiosity as I am a very avid collector of older professional studio gear as well as being a huge Amiga music fan.  It turned out, however, that loads of Amiga fans became very interested in what I was doing so I decided to start on  The project goals are now:

1. To identify, describe and review the studio equipment used to make ST-01
2. To identify exactly which sounds were used to make each sample
3. To record the original source sound against the ST-01 sample
4. To also provide multi-samples of the more expressive sounds eg. D50 Tinewave
5. To identify who actually produced the samples in the first place - was it Karsten Obarksi himself?? - nobody has been able to answer that one!

The project is a major task and will take a long time.  I have managed to identify over 50% of ST-01 now but it will take much longer to reconstruct the original sounds as 16 bit samples.  This is because even when I have found the original sound source it has proven extremely difficult to make then sound just like the ST-01 sample - this is mainly due to the studio equipment being very responsive to velocity and release rates.  I therefore have to sound the right key in precisely the same way as the guy did when he made the original sample.   If you were to hear Tinewave on the D50 you'd very quickly notice that it sounds different to the Amiga sample as the Amiga sound is mearly a single snapshot of what is actualy a very complex synth preset.

Fortunately I have most of the instruments identified in ST-01 in my studio so I can play with them until they sound right for high quality equivalents.


Dan, Hideaway Studio.
Err Dan..  is there supposed to be smoke coming out of your Omni-2?
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