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Whats the song title of this mod?

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Download the install file,the installation program is playing a song that I like.

I would like it in mod form if someone could do that for me. Or tell me the title of this song,so I can get it.

You realize asking anyone to run an exe file is going to raise some alarm bells regarding viruses and trojans. Even if it's genuine.

Instead, I'd recommend you make an audio recording off it and put it up for download instead. You may get even more responses that way aswell as I for one can't run an exe on a sparc architecture system ;)

Well,it's from a ghost recon game installer.

I read the installer and said the artist is "Skaven" and song "Unable".

But I could not find that song on

Which program can I use to extract the mod song from the installer exe?

I'm afraid I do not know any program that can extract (rip) a module out of an executive. But I know that if you know your share of assembly language and got an disassembler, you may be able to locate the module and extract the module manually from the assembly code.

Of course, that is really difficult to do since assembly is not only the most difficult programming language to learn but also the most difficult to view and interpret. (Assembly language gives the best results, though - if you know how to program well in it, I mean. I do not recommend any unexperienced programmers to try to learn it.) And in the end, all you would have is a module in .EXE format. Handy? Not really. But that is the only way I can figure out to extract a module out of a program.

If anyone want to learn assembly or learn what it is all about, try this website:

I suspect it's none of these either, but here's the link anyway:


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