Happy new year!Of course, it should go without saying, the crew manning the guns here at the Mod Archive (m0d, jantore, Saga Musix, Sahkolihaa) wishes everyone a fantastic new year 2009.
New ThemeArrgh, I forgot to post news about the new theme, which *doh* you probably have seen now, unless you have your cookies still set on the older or seasonal theme. The Silver Metal theme introduces a brighter and (in my opinion) more appealing aesthetic presentation to the site. If you haven't yet seen it, click
RatingsI've shuffled the data around on the Ratings page so that the comment ratings are a lot easier to see from the overview, and I've also got new icons for various other bits around the site.
Profile ImagesIf your profile image appears 'warped', please upload it again - I've fixed (finally) the image resizing system so that it will resize to the correct specification without warping the image.
Donation Drive 2008 successfulWe made it! Thanks to very generous donations the site hosting fund for 2008 was balanced wonderfully. I believe each and every visitor to The Mod Archive are thankful to those that contributed to the fund. We now have our goal set for 2009 and beyond, again, thank you all very much...
IconsI have also taken a few of the
Silk Icons and put them into use around the site. Frankly I felt that having to do them myself again is like reinventing the bloody wheel.
Orgasmod.comYeah what is it... er, well it was actually a joke to begin with, but if you venture there you'll find a sickly pink site with confusing information - just let it be, it's an experimental site where I am showing off what can be done with the Modarchive XML API system on a remote website. It's currently just showing off peoples favourite module lists, in a rather horrible and ugly way

OrgasMOD.com and enjoy what's there... if you dare risk it
