I commend you for having a go. But it's an ugly tune

(don't be put off, I just don't sugar-coat feedback when it's asked for).
The first part was a bit odd because it sounded uncomfortable - like it missed a beat somewhere along the line, which is why starting with such a complicated basskick rhythm isn't something i'd recommend until you've got more mastered with the tracker.
A regular beat (like a metronome) is very useful to work with to begin with, and you can create one yourself by using a channel with a kick drum, or a hihat placed at regular intervals within the pattern, in an even number. Typically, put one on the first line and then every 4th line.
C-4 Kick
C-4 Kick
C-4 Kick
etc... all the way until the end of the pattern.
You can then (if you want to go further with developing a bassline) put a bass note midway between the ticks which will result in a trance-like bass/kick combo.
C-4 Kick
C-4 Bass
C-4 Kick
C-4 Bass
C-4 Kick
Using the full 64 rows of the pattern (I think it's 64, it's been a while), rather than spreading your melody and stuff halfway and at the end of patterns like you have in the beginning of your first tune will enable you to organize your tunes much better. If you don't want to use up a full patten, there is a command you can insert will will tell the tracker to jump immediately to the next pattern, you'll have to look that up in the documentation though as I don't know it for MilkyTracker.
The rest of your tune was okay, but basically quite repetitive (to be expected, i know) but at least structured better than the intro.
It was better than my first 'song' I made with a tracker many years ago.
Good luck

and keep it up.