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Author Topic: Radio Show Contributions  (Read 5855 times)

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Radio Show Contributions
« on: May 23, 2010, 01:17:39 »

I'll be putting a show together for Scenesat (some time after Rewired demoparty, which is in late June this year), and as such I am scouting for some additional material from trackers (and ex. trackers) as part of the show will be featuring some picks from whatever gets contributed... read on...

Scenesat Radio broadcasts 24/7 demoscene and demoscene-related music, but occasionally does LIVE shows - this is what I will be doing (yes you'll get to hear me making a right dick of things). I'll announce exactly when the show will be on, but worry not if you miss it - Scenesat archives it's shows with the ability to listen and watch (yes, watch!) the IRC chat that occurred during the show.


If you would like to contribute a couple of your tracks for the show, throw me some download links - preferably correctly tagged OGGs or MP3s. I'm not looking only for modules/tracked music - if you've done some amazing music, let's have it. If you want to contribute a module, then that's fine - you have the choice of rendering it yourself to the aforementioned formats, or let me do it for you (XMPlay will be used for that).

Having trouble hosting a track? Join for free and upload your work there. Please DO NOT use links to those so-called "free download" websites that contain malware/popups/spam/DOWNLOAD TIMERS!.  ;D


It's preferable to be given a collection of pieces from which i can pick a suitable track from. Not all contributions will be played, but the ones that fit will. You'll have to tune in to find out

My show won't be until late June 2010.

Scenesat: - #scenesat on Efnet.

Methods to reach me: Post on this thread via the forums, or via Twitter or PM with info+links on IRC.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 01:45:30 by m0d »
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