Music Production > Tracking

Making a module sound better across different setups


Hi, when making modules I've noticed that some .ITs I make sound pretty consistent across different speaker setups, and that some of my modules sound absolutely horrid on some speaker setups, but pretty decent on others. It's jarring to get in a car to listen to the latest song you've made and discover it sounds really bad. Now of course some speaker setups are really bad in and of themselves, but some of the bad ones I've played them on still play other modules well. I was wondering, if anyone had some tips on how to make modules more "universal" or consistent across audio setups, so someone won't listen on one pair of speakers and say "This is really badly produced" when they could listen on another pair and would say "this sounds decent"?

Saga Musix:
There are many factors to a good mix, but two of the most important ones are probably consistent volume levels and frequency ranges. Especially if you have several instruments fighting for the same frequency range, you either have to somehow separate them (e.g. through panning) or properly EQing your samples.


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