Good news everyone!
I needed to make sure this site would be passed on to the person who was most suitable; and Saga is the one. He has 10 years to build a new site. Go for it kid; make us all proud.
Meanwhile; I am resigning fully; I have MAJOR stuff to do in life and I am sorry I cannot be here with you any more; if course I still want my mods now and then. But now; I gave the keys to my padwan Saga; he has been treated like shit on purpose; lessons needed to be learned and this was the only way to get it across the terrible language and cultural barrier.
HE SHOULD recruit you ALL into the screening system; ya'll know what shit is and isn't. So there.

Live long and prosper; now that I can bring to a close this (extremely toxic) piece of my life; I have had a shit life; really shit. I am sorry you did not see through to support me but that is what it is; you're users! Keep on using! \o/