1. The MOD file behind "Crazy World 3 (digipart).sid"
2. Original song for XM file with " " as a title
Hash: 77D0D82AC5E00A343834A42B697EE7F2
Found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/true/tRUE-WebcamMax4.2.5.0crk.rar
I think I heard a SID track that sounded EXACTLY like this one, but I don't remember the title.
SOLVED: Abnormal Life by Thomas Danko.
3. Music behind "fr-minus-14: coderpr0n"
4. XM file with "123" as a title, found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/induct/iNDUCT-ConvertCDToMP34.0kg.7z
SOLVED: Same name!
5. XM file with "80109437" as a title, found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/tsrh/TSRh-ClickPic1.7.0.2crk.7z
SOLVED: Same name too!
6. The original song behind this file, found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/air/AiR-AcousticaPowerBundle4.0kg.rar
7. The actual behind this file, found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/true/tRUE-BenutecRamCleaner6.3crk.rar
SOLVED: Apparently a very fancy remix of Monty On The Run Highscore theme.
8. This XM file with instrument and sample text: "oboy och ostmackor"
Found at: http://keygenmusic.net/music/others/TROPE-NovationV-StationVSTi1.11intro.7z