Music Production > PC Players

What is a BMXPlayer



On the FTP i found strange player named BMXPlay
What file format does this player play? I tried to search for music files with .BMX extension but I couldn't find anything at all.

Saga Musix:
BMX files are made with Buzz Tracker. ModArchive does not support BMX files at this point in time (there should be at least one cross-platform player for each supported file format, which is not the case for Buzz). But you will find tons of BMX files on in the Buzz folder.

thanks! =)

It's fun: the situation looks like a small BMXPlayer (with a number of modules that come with it) and the BUZZ tracker music editor work with slightly different versions of files. what the player can play is silent in the editor. what the editor can play is silent in the player. but what's funny - the file extension is the same =)


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