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How early would you want to see the Christmas 2007 site theme appear?

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Roll up, Roll up...

An announcement!

I began designing the Christmas theme back in July, and now it's more or less ready.

Sorry, you can't have a sneak preview :P

Anyway, just for a bit of fun, I thought I'd ask you guys when you would like to see the theme come online :) I may use the results of this poll to determine when I put it online (it will not affect the forums, by the way - don't want to upset our sub forum folks :)).

Make sure all of you vote!

Saga Musix:
bleh, i hate it when Christmas is already in summer (or at least, in autumn). ya know, all these christmas trees and all these Santa Clauses in the big stores... no thanks! :D please wait till December! :P

(Post 404! :P)

Having the christmas theme on December and onwards to perhaps early February or late January seems like a good idea to me. So let us keep christmas where it belongs, in December.

Alex Smith:
I have to agree and say December. Well, December 1st is ok in my view.

They started doing the Christmas chocolate box set things in the supermarkets about 2 weeks ago, and that's far too early if you ask me. The sell by dates on some of them don't go beyond the end of November!

I totally agree with everyone that has posted so far. I'm annoyed by how early shops start selling the christmas themed stuff and whatnot. Anyway, not sure if you knew but Christmas starts at a different time for some countries, such as the Netherlands - although they have now ADOPTED the 25th, which is a mere commercial event, the official real event (Sinterklaas) is on the 5th December, which is still endearing and a wonderful spectacle for the children to be part of :)


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