Hacked my PC with a QBasic application? Wow, that DOES sound threatening!
OK, time for round 2! (This be a kid's battle, no?)
Finished the C++ application I have been working on:
// Fahrenheit->Celsius converter
// by Fredrik "Eagle" Larsson
//DOS-BOX based string operator.
//Attempt to keep the box open.
#include <iostream>
int main()
//Include variables
int Fahrenheit, Celsius, RETURNUM;
//Display introductionary text
std::cout << "Fahrenheit to Celsius converter\n";
std::cout << " by Fredrik Eagle Larsson\n";
std::cout << "\n";
//Prompt for input
std::cout << "Input the Fahrenheit degrees to be converted: ";
std::cin >> Fahrenheit;
//Computing the variables
Celsius = 5 * (Fahrenheit - 32) / 9;
//Display the result
std::cout << "The degrees you wrote in Fahrenheit is ";
std::cout << Celsius;
std::cout << " degrees in Celsius.";
//Prompt to close
std::cout << "\n\nInput a number and press return to close down.";
std::cin >> RETURNUM;
return 0;
Any idea of how I can make the application wait for the user to read and press return before returning back to the system?