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KitSD's Profile


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  • i Modules in Archive: 1
  • i Overall Member Rating: 9 (from 1 comments).
  • i Overall Reviewer Rating: 0 (from 0 reviews).
  • i Total Downloads: 492
  • i Stats Updated: 2024-06-25 05:25:39
  • information icon Modarchive ID: 94312
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KitSD hasn't written a profile yet... come back soon!

KitSD's messages

Last 10 messages:
From: KitSD To: Roz
05:38 on 3rd September 2022

Roz: Absolutely! Glad I could. Thanks for taking the time again to answer those questions ;)

Re: Hi again. Back in the day there were some taped recordings of gigs (we were only a semi-pro band playing pubs, clubs, parties etc) but unfortunately I don't have them. From memory apart from the guitar sound which was much more bluesy by Bill this version is pretty close to what it would have sounded like. Thanks again for making my day!

From: Roz
12:14 on 25th August 2022

Hi again. Back in the day there were some taped recordings of gigs (we were only a semi-pro band playing pubs, clubs, parties etc) but unfortunately I don't have them. From memory apart from the guitar sound which was much more bluesy by Bill this version is pretty close to what it would have sounded like. Thanks again for making my day!

From: KitSD To: Roz
05:22 on 24th August 2022

Roz: For Sure! It's a wonderful song that reminds me of some of my classic rock favorites :D
Now that you mention it, though, where could I find the original version?

Re: Hi - Thank you for your kind words and generous score for my song Butterfly Blues. It's a song I wrote for the band that I was part of many years ago and I kind of liked the challenge of trying to do a version in XM to see if it would work and also just for the fun of it. I'm so glad that you liked it and your comment rekindled great memories of past days for me - cheers.

From: Roz
20:48 on 30th July 2022

Hi - Thank you for your kind words and generous score for my song Butterfly Blues. It's a song I wrote for the band that I was part of many years ago and I kind of liked the challenge of trying to do a version in XM to see if it would work and also just for the fun of it. I'm so glad that you liked it and your comment rekindled great memories of past days for me - cheers.

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