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Quantumeyes5's Profile


  • i Contributed 1 rating(s)
  • i No reviews
  • i 3907 profile views since 4th Jan 2009
  • i E-mail: ten [ tod ] klatklat [ ta ] 5mutnauQ
  • i Last seen: 28th Apr 2011
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Greetings and felicitations! You have reached the profile of a dedicated long-term music mod and Amiga demo enthusiast......

In a spirit of honesty - I would like to say that although I have a major passion for music in many varied forms - sadly I lack the capacity to create my own (with very rare exception).... however I can and do appreciate the creativity and talent of others.

So that at least is some kind of compensation!

As a resource for new music and a showcase for artists musical achievements (as well as a location to find older classics)! - this site already impresses me a great deal although I'm relatively new here..... I hope to be able to post some objective and meaningful reviews in due course if it is within my capability so to do.

My musical tastes are fairly wide-ranging and include much that is eclectic or even just strange! The attraction for me of music mods is the absolute freedom that they give for self-expression and as a format for personal experimentation beyond normal restrictive boundaries.... I have so many fond memories of the Amiga scene and I was constantly amazed at the sheer genius of so many musicians who were active at that time and it is wonderful that many are still creating even today. I feel that it is my duty and privilige to keep their music alive and it is a source of constant pleasure in my daily life! The fact that music modules have survived into the 21st Century is an indication of both their quality and the validity of the format and now with the advent of VST's it is an even more powerful tool for musical expression!

I guess that overall my personal preferance is aimed more towards music mods that are best described as 'demostyle' but their are many exceptions to that..... I have a great deal of respect for many of the wonderfully epic tunes that the Amiga spawned....an example being the 'Oddysey' demo music that absolutely amazed me!

Artists that I have admired for a long time include Bjorn Lynne (Dr Awesome), Allister Brimble, Heatbeat, Jesper Kyd......and so many more that it seems unfair to even attempt a list because so very many truly great musicians might be overlooked through human error despite their worthiness to be included.

My other musical interests (apart from the computer) includes rock, Heavy metal, pop, dance, instrumental and even classical! I'm a huge fan of Mike Oldfield....


By all means feel free to contact me by e-mail if you so wish or alternatively I am often available on the IMVU 3D virtual chat site (using the same avatar name). http://www.imvu.com/catalog/web_mypage.php?user=24146040

Bye and best wishes - from Susie xxx

PS - kindly accept a free virtual hug as a thankyou for your visit ;)


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