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veedgo's Profile


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  • i Stats Updated: 2024-06-26 05:12:54
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Hello, I just recently got into tracking music. I've done step sequencers and lot of related items before in the past, so I was surprised that I hadn't heard of this particular format. I'd be remiss if I didn't credit this discovery to Kiril Alferov aka Louigi Verona (http://louigiverona.ru with his mention of it and mods from his site. Some really cool stuff there a lot of it also here including his.
I am planning on uploading some items as I get them done. My niche is odd meter cool stuff. I am not into weird multiple meter just for the fun of it. I like doing things that have a nice cadence, consistency and semi-predictability but just in 11 or 7 or 13 (mostly). Every once in a while, I might have something more elaborate, but usually it is something repetitive with a truncation or augmentation like a song I have in 35 (really 9-9-9-8).
I also like compounding rhythms like two on three, three on four, etc. I mostly do this type although I've recently started playing around with 3-3-3-2 on 2-2-2-2-3. It has a cool twist to it. I have a song that actually is 2-2-2-3-2 on 3-3-2-3 (Earth Changer if you go on my link at archive.org, see below).
Another aspect about my niche is I am not into grandstanding. Though I get as blown away by epic virtuosity as the next person, at the same time I leave empty handed because I can't play it! I want to contribute music that's not in the mainstream but where even somewhat intermediate (and hopefully advancing beginners) can take and do enough with it to enjoy playing it themselves. I don't just want people to listen to my music, I hope they can enjoy playing it too, like the old days with fake books and all except they'll be doing it in 11/8 or 7/4!
As far as background, I grew up in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, graduating from Hood River Valley High School in 1982. I've been playing music most of my life starting on guitar at age 5, piano at 7 and progressed to many stringed (except fretless: couldn't quite get violin down), wind instruments (except reeds) and percussion (I love percussion!). I've been composing for almost 40 years and even did some soundtracks as a kid for our homemade movies my dad actually developed himself at home from multitudes of spliced 16 mm bw film...those were the days.
I lived in Tulsa, OK for about 10 years and moved back to the McMinnville, OR area a few years ago. I was briefly involved in the Portland, OR music scene, particularly with Christian bands during the mid 80's. I played in the Rheme Bible Church orchestra on trombone for several years in the 90's and 00's. I played in Second Winds Community Band in McMinnville for a few years. I currently perform with the Dayton Community Chorus as a singer and play recorder and various percussion instruments. We do a quasi-medieval (even in Latin) set.
And I am finally getting to compose music again! I've been waiting a long time to get my music ideas out of my head and off of my synths and guitar. It took me a while to find a format that works, but I did a couple of years ago. I use a version of Linux Ubuntu called Artist-X (I started on OpenArtist). I mostly use Ardour with LADSPA plugins, ZynAddSubFX, Rakarrack and a few other goodies.
And now MilkyTracker! although I may see what other ones can do since MT is kind of limited. However, I like the creativity that comes from using something so limited. I've come up with some cool effects by actually having to tweak envelopes and panning rather than rely on a reverb, delay or tremelo, and it's more native to where one could theoretically pull off some of these sounds without all of the effects processors.
I like certain types of electronica (think older school like Jean Michel Jarre) and electronic music like Isao Tomita. I also like most Baroque, more sophisticated Celtic, medieval and Spanish/Arabic/Hindi music. I like other types of world music, particularly elaborate African and Latin beats and rhythms. I like hard to heavy metal versions of this type of music. Music that's been an influence to me have been bands and individuals like Rush (older), Eddie Jobson, Alan Holdsworth, UK, Terry Bozzio, Simon Phillips, Genesis (older), Peter Gabriel, Yes, Jethro Tull, Flagship, Narnia, Seven Angels, White Heart, Second Chapter of Acts, some Kansas and Kerry Livgren and Bela Fleck. I also like the following classical composers: Shostakovich, Dvor(how do you do a Hacek r?)ak, Bach and others. I also like some minimalistic and cyclical ideas done by Steve Reich and other similar composers as well as Adrian Belew and some of King Crimson.
Oh, and how could I forget Klaatu (except their last album was way too poppy)?
Growing up I also got to listen to a lot of really good bluegrass, but can't name any groups in particular. I did listen and play with my dad a lot, though.
I have most of my other "finished" (are they ever?) work that isn't mod here: veedgo on archive.org or here http://myspace.com/veedgo. I really could use some feedback. For some reason don't get enough. You can also contact me directly at veedgo@gmail.com.
Also, I would be remiss in not mentioning

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