News of 1998
* December 10, 1998
We have surpassed 900 personal reviews! I have added statistics to the top of all the letter directories and all the artist pages so you can see your average rating on the modarchive. The 8th edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. Look forward to a bunch of add ons to the reviewer tables at The New Crew page. New columns such as review quality, average reviewing score, and personal reviewer webpages for the top 10 reviewers will be added shortly.
* November 27, 1998
We have surpassed 400 personal reviews! I have also added a reviewer of the week, and we are still in need of more reviewers. The 7th edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. The modarchive now has an irc channel at DALnet called modarchive. I will be on there most of the day.
* November 17, 1998
Lots of news! We have added 10+ artists, Beatbom has provided us with the 6th edition of the top10 additions. For all you reviewers, the reviewing form is up! (thanks to Zigg) You now no longer send me the reviews over ICQ. These forms automatically write the reviews up on the pages! See me about reviewing userid's and passwords. We still have a need for reviewers, so email me to apply. Finally a new contest is up for modarchive, we need a theme song! We are looking for creativity and a fun, great song. Upload it to the new directory as usual with the filename beginning with compo to enter. Please click the modarchive banner to help us to continue to improve the archive!
* October 30, 1998
Reviewing is going well! We have completed 52 reviews and i have added a section on reviewer statistics at the newcrew page! Also the modarchive has now surpassed 900,000 hits since 1997, keep em coming!
* October 21, 1998
The voting results are up! The scoring system you the voters have chosen is the number system 1-10 with increments of .5. You can already see some inital reviews in the V directory. You will notice a new column called "Music Style", I am sure everyone will appreciate that! If you strongly disagree with the review you are given please email me (Damien Blond) and I will check it out for ya!
Milestones: We have reached 1 gig of compressed music files at the modarchive!
* October 18, 1998
Our new links page is now up! Check it out here!
You link to us, we'll link to you! Remember it's first come, first served so email us fast and you'll be one of the top links on our links page!
New Artists Added: Justin Owens, LaSombrA, LittleElk, Loop, LoRdLaZeR, Nobuyuki, SanDmaN, Whiskeymusic, Zaril Krion.
* October 13, 1998
Once again all the unfiltered uploads have been reviewed! We are now starting the personal reviews. You will see an update in the music tables with a new column called review. The score of the song will appear there, and upon clicking the score you will link directly to the personal review for that song. It will take quite awhile to do personal reviews for 3700 songs, so the more reviewers the better! Email The Modarchive if you are interested in becoming a reviewer.
* October 3, 1998
Our 4TH edition of The Top 10 Additions is up!
New Artists Added: Dj Thumb-boy, FutureFrog
* September 30, 1998
I have decided to start our huge project of giving every song a personal review as soon as all of the unfiltered uploads have been reviewed. This is a big task, and the more reviewer's we get, the better! So sign up to be a reviewer here. Check out this preview of the rough format we will be using.
New Reviewers Added: Alderon
New Artists Added: Alderon, DaNeR, DreamMaster, ZPP
* September 23, 1998
You will notice a new "Shout-Ads" banner on the main page. PLEASE click this banner every once in awhile in order for us to keep updating the modarchive, maintaining the artist pages etc. Also depending on the response of this banner, the modarchive will be initiating a bunch of new projects. These projects include adding music genre/style to all the songs, giving a personal review to EVERY song in the modarchive, and starting a new music competition besides the top10! I will put up previews of each of these projects shortly. Thank you for your time!
* September 22, 1998
New Reviewers added: SUDS, Tillek
New Artists added: Omen, Belzoth, DaHill, N-Joy, Wraith, Sergeisergeievich
Currently the modarchive has 110 individual artist pages!
* September 17, 1998
File hits have now been added! You will notice a new column called "Hits" besides the filesize column on the tables. Also, the few blanks in some places will be replaced by file hits once the song has been downloaded again. There will be no file hits column in the unfiltered uploads, keeping track of hits starts once the song has been added to the archive.
New Reviewers added to the Modarchive team: Grog
* September 14, 1998
New Artists Added: Aberration, pOW, Wolfric Tugmutton, SUDS.
New Reviewers added to the ModArchive team: Ganath, spanXz.
* September 7, 1998
Our third edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. We are also expanding our reviewing team.
* August 31, 1998
You can now custom design your own logos for your artist pages! Just give me the link to the graphic and I will put it up! For examples look at artist pages of Opinash, Morgan, and Damien Blond.
New Artists Added: Morgan, $volkraq, Beathawk.
Milestones: 800,000 front page hits since January 1st, 1997. 3000 quality mods added!
* August 30, 1998
New Artists added: Mr. STEWE, Psycholizer, M.P. Productions, Magnus, Dj Phantom, Dj Dafuki.
The graphics overhaul continues.. Special thanx to Opinash, Beatbom.
* August 23, 1998
All Unfiltered uploads were finally reviewed.
New Artists Added: Sculptor, Craig Stern, Solution NGS, Anders Akerheden.
* August 21, 1998
Our second edition of The top 10 additions is up!
Only 150 songs left to be reviewed in the new directory, all songs uploaded before July 29th, 1998 have been reviewed. All .IT files have been reviewed.
* August 18, 1998
The server problems experienced in the last few days are over.
Look forward to our 2nd edition of the top 10 additions on Friday.
* August 11, 1998
The modarchive is undergoing a graphics overhaul, watch for changes!
Thanks to Opinash, Beatbom, and Ironsurfer for the graphics. Only 300 songs left to be reviewed in the new directory.
* August 7, 1998
Our first edition of The top 10 additions is up!
* August 5, 1998
There is an article about the modarchive in Europe's .net magazine! August issue, pg 125.
Only 550 more songs to be reviewed in the new directory! (From 1200 a few months back)
* August 2, 1998
New artists added: AlexS
We are going to be starting up a top 10 weekly report of recently reviewed songs that are added to the archive. Starting August 7.
* August 1, 1998
All X-Z .IT files have been reviewed.
* July 31, 1998
New artists added: _zETA_, DipA, Gilmore, Novus, Opinash, The Nightstalker, TSEC. 100+ songs have been reviewed the last 2 days.
* July 30, 1998
We are now actively reviewing all uploads to the new directory, organizing new artists, and updating old artists. Please email us with any updates to artists, etc..
Above is the first item of 1998.
We have surpassed 900 personal reviews! I have added statistics to the top of all the letter directories and all the artist pages so you can see your average rating on the modarchive. The 8th edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. Look forward to a bunch of add ons to the reviewer tables at The New Crew page. New columns such as review quality, average reviewing score, and personal reviewer webpages for the top 10 reviewers will be added shortly.
* November 27, 1998
We have surpassed 400 personal reviews! I have also added a reviewer of the week, and we are still in need of more reviewers. The 7th edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. The modarchive now has an irc channel at DALnet called modarchive. I will be on there most of the day.
* November 17, 1998
Lots of news! We have added 10+ artists, Beatbom has provided us with the 6th edition of the top10 additions. For all you reviewers, the reviewing form is up! (thanks to Zigg) You now no longer send me the reviews over ICQ. These forms automatically write the reviews up on the pages! See me about reviewing userid's and passwords. We still have a need for reviewers, so email me to apply. Finally a new contest is up for modarchive, we need a theme song! We are looking for creativity and a fun, great song. Upload it to the new directory as usual with the filename beginning with compo to enter. Please click the modarchive banner to help us to continue to improve the archive!
* October 30, 1998
Reviewing is going well! We have completed 52 reviews and i have added a section on reviewer statistics at the newcrew page! Also the modarchive has now surpassed 900,000 hits since 1997, keep em coming!
* October 21, 1998
The voting results are up! The scoring system you the voters have chosen is the number system 1-10 with increments of .5. You can already see some inital reviews in the V directory. You will notice a new column called "Music Style", I am sure everyone will appreciate that! If you strongly disagree with the review you are given please email me (Damien Blond) and I will check it out for ya!
Milestones: We have reached 1 gig of compressed music files at the modarchive!
* October 18, 1998
Our new links page is now up! Check it out here!
You link to us, we'll link to you! Remember it's first come, first served so email us fast and you'll be one of the top links on our links page!
New Artists Added: Justin Owens, LaSombrA, LittleElk, Loop, LoRdLaZeR, Nobuyuki, SanDmaN, Whiskeymusic, Zaril Krion.
* October 13, 1998
Once again all the unfiltered uploads have been reviewed! We are now starting the personal reviews. You will see an update in the music tables with a new column called review. The score of the song will appear there, and upon clicking the score you will link directly to the personal review for that song. It will take quite awhile to do personal reviews for 3700 songs, so the more reviewers the better! Email The Modarchive if you are interested in becoming a reviewer.
* October 3, 1998
Our 4TH edition of The Top 10 Additions is up!
New Artists Added: Dj Thumb-boy, FutureFrog
* September 30, 1998
I have decided to start our huge project of giving every song a personal review as soon as all of the unfiltered uploads have been reviewed. This is a big task, and the more reviewer's we get, the better! So sign up to be a reviewer here. Check out this preview of the rough format we will be using.
New Reviewers Added: Alderon
New Artists Added: Alderon, DaNeR, DreamMaster, ZPP
* September 23, 1998
You will notice a new "Shout-Ads" banner on the main page. PLEASE click this banner every once in awhile in order for us to keep updating the modarchive, maintaining the artist pages etc. Also depending on the response of this banner, the modarchive will be initiating a bunch of new projects. These projects include adding music genre/style to all the songs, giving a personal review to EVERY song in the modarchive, and starting a new music competition besides the top10! I will put up previews of each of these projects shortly. Thank you for your time!
* September 22, 1998
New Reviewers added: SUDS, Tillek
New Artists added: Omen, Belzoth, DaHill, N-Joy, Wraith, Sergeisergeievich
Currently the modarchive has 110 individual artist pages!
* September 17, 1998
File hits have now been added! You will notice a new column called "Hits" besides the filesize column on the tables. Also, the few blanks in some places will be replaced by file hits once the song has been downloaded again. There will be no file hits column in the unfiltered uploads, keeping track of hits starts once the song has been added to the archive.
New Reviewers added to the Modarchive team: Grog
* September 14, 1998
New Artists Added: Aberration, pOW, Wolfric Tugmutton, SUDS.
New Reviewers added to the ModArchive team: Ganath, spanXz.
* September 7, 1998
Our third edition of The Top 10 Additions is up. We are also expanding our reviewing team.
* August 31, 1998
You can now custom design your own logos for your artist pages! Just give me the link to the graphic and I will put it up! For examples look at artist pages of Opinash, Morgan, and Damien Blond.
New Artists Added: Morgan, $volkraq, Beathawk.
Milestones: 800,000 front page hits since January 1st, 1997. 3000 quality mods added!
* August 30, 1998
New Artists added: Mr. STEWE, Psycholizer, M.P. Productions, Magnus, Dj Phantom, Dj Dafuki.
The graphics overhaul continues.. Special thanx to Opinash, Beatbom.
* August 23, 1998
All Unfiltered uploads were finally reviewed.
New Artists Added: Sculptor, Craig Stern, Solution NGS, Anders Akerheden.
* August 21, 1998
Our second edition of The top 10 additions is up!
Only 150 songs left to be reviewed in the new directory, all songs uploaded before July 29th, 1998 have been reviewed. All .IT files have been reviewed.
* August 18, 1998
The server problems experienced in the last few days are over.
Look forward to our 2nd edition of the top 10 additions on Friday.
* August 11, 1998
The modarchive is undergoing a graphics overhaul, watch for changes!
Thanks to Opinash, Beatbom, and Ironsurfer for the graphics. Only 300 songs left to be reviewed in the new directory.
* August 7, 1998
Our first edition of The top 10 additions is up!
* August 5, 1998
There is an article about the modarchive in Europe's .net magazine! August issue, pg 125.
Only 550 more songs to be reviewed in the new directory! (From 1200 a few months back)
* August 2, 1998
New artists added: AlexS
We are going to be starting up a top 10 weekly report of recently reviewed songs that are added to the archive. Starting August 7.
* August 1, 1998
All X-Z .IT files have been reviewed.
* July 31, 1998
New artists added: _zETA_, DipA, Gilmore, Novus, Opinash, The Nightstalker, TSEC. 100+ songs have been reviewed the last 2 days.
* July 30, 1998
We are now actively reviewing all uploads to the new directory, organizing new artists, and updating old artists. Please email us with any updates to artists, etc..
Above is the first item of 1998.
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