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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: White Rose Filename: xywrose.xm |
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
The main flaw with this tune is the fact that the samples are out of tune. The 'light bell'-sample isn't tuned in with the flute, bass or the piano (the piano & flute doesn't match well either). The athmosphere is ruined because of these samples, and that's a shame cuz I think it could have been quite moody. This samples are CRAP! The worst case of the-samples-fuck-up-the-entire-tune ever! I doubt that I could find two samples that aren't out of tune (REALLY OUT of tune!!) So next time, choose yer samples carefully and make sure that they are all tuned in with each other.. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Moonlit Skies Filename: xymoonli.xm |
Posted Tue 7th Sep 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
The lead is not good at all. The lead makes this song sound like someone's first. (Maybe it is). The beat is just hihats going chikachic chikachic over and over and over.... The background chords are ok, but those churchbells are awful! Take them away. My musical advice to Xyzzy: Practice melody and be more critical when making tunes. These samples are not good. If I was to make this song, I'd change almost every single one. Xyzzy lets the effects in fasttracker alone... My technical adive to Xyzzy: Choose your samples carefully, and make sure you keep the noise level down when using many different intstruments at once in a pattern. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: xyopium.xm Filename: xyopium.xm |
Posted Thu 2nd Sep 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
Well, actually there is no music in this tune, only soundeffects. But I suppose that's part of the 'charm' with this kind of music:P There is one sounds effect going over and over throughout the entire tune with a really bad volume slide. The a beat joins in (hihats only:-( and various noises join in and everything is a mess of musical pollution. Advice: try to make your tunes more complex, try to make the melody continue in the next pattern, instead of making sort of a new mini-tune for each and every pattern... DAMN that was hard to explain! Half the samples are garbage, and the rest is in fact quite usable. Effects are used although the result of that may not be good. Keep practicing! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Let me feel y.Voice Filename: voice.xm |
Posted Wed 1st Sep 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The lead is made out of a couple of notes going over and over. Repetive! The bassline is going over and over too..and it's not too original... Repetive! The background synth chords are going over and over.. not too original either. Repetive. The beat is ok at first, but then it goes over and over without changing, Repetive! But everthing is all harmonized, so this is no beginner tune (I think) Argh! Very good tracking, technically speaking. I might have changed some of the samples, and been a little more careful with the panning, but otherwise effects and samples are good. Nice tracking alltogether. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: "Oh.. that shampoo!" Filename: vr_otsh.xm |
Posted Tue 31st Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune is cool. Not really meant as an all-serious tune (I think). Therefore I'll be nice:-) Anyways, this tune consists of pretty cool bass line going over and over, a techno/dance-like beat and a really cool lead that reminds me of old Nintendo (8-bits) music. We all have to remember that soundblaist was inspired by a shampoo when making this song:-) Cool samples, although they may not be of top quality, but that's not all that important in a tune like this. Effects are used in a really good way (especially the lead), and the overall technical impression is good. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Exprimental Love Filename: elovev2.xm |
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
The melody itself is quite relaxed. There are strings in the background, a couple of piano-chords doing their stuff, a nice mellow typical-tehcno beat that really fits the rest of the song. The only thing I miss in this tune is a lead. But yet, maybe this style is better of without a lead. No errors, plain and nice. Nothing extraordinary, and nothing awful. Nice use of effects, nice samples, nicely tracked all together:-) Life's great is it not? Some people may think of this song as repetive, but this is the first song I review in a while that gets a better rating than 3.0 so I'll let it pass... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: elev8.xm Filename: elev8.xm |
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
Another tune that lacks a melody (rave-tunes have a tendency to do so). This tune starts out with a bass drum (poor sample). Then some hopeless rave-sample joins in with a melody with little or no structure. Where is the feeling? where are the emotions?! This tune would have been a whole lot better if it was tracked with real samples. Fx aren't used much in this song, but otherwise it's nicely tracked, technically that is. Oh yea, and it's repetive! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Beatbom2 - EJECTION Filename: ejection.xm |
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10 |
A melody isn't really present in this tune. There's just a bass-line that gone over and over. Then there's this noise that goes tutu-tutu-tutu all the time :) This is awful. This track needs a noise-reduction and a melody (a lead), and creativity. The samples are not so good in this song. I couldn't hear any effects either. All together this song is of a poor technical quality. The artist needs more practice with a tracker, and I'm sure that he will regret uploading this tune in the future:) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Ballet of Light and Dark Filename: |
Posted Wed 25th Aug 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
I wouldn't call it music. Harmonic noises would be a better description. There are a lot of different drums, percussion and such that creates the 'melody'. This is sometimes accompagned by some strange noises (I think it's supposed to be some kind of choir). This is original. I think this tune should have a melody, a chord progression..u know These samples could've been a lot better. Change the choir things (they give me a head ache). Change the strings and some of the drums. This guy knows how to use a variety of fx. That's good. The panning especially is good almost throughout the whole song (some times I think it changes from left to right too quickly) Otherwise, this track speaks for itself |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Sick |Muddafucka Filename: eerwhc23.xm |
Posted Sun 22nd Aug 1999
Rated 1 / 10 |
There is no music, just noise. A bad beat with some lousy metalic-sounds on it. However the tune could have been a lot better if someone simply changed the samples. They're really bad. Although the song itself never should have been submitted... On the +-side, this tune does actually work rhythmically. Though, as I said, the tun isn't good cuz of the samples. Fix that, make ten more practice mods, then start to submit the tracks to the MA, and I may have something better to say:-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Ancient Egypt Filename: egypt.s3m |
Posted Fri 20th Aug 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune doesn't really fit in in the archive. Simply cuz it's too short. It's originally gaming-music. Don't misunderstand me, the music is good. It's nicely tracked. It's an ancient Egypt inspired tune, and I can imagine that it would fit in quite good in a game. Though it's not really a tune that I would submit to this archive. Nicely tracked. What can I say? Nice use of effects, nice samples, nice sound to it all. It's just too short. I'd like to hear a regular track by this guy though. Cuz I think he's a pretty good tracker... Keep it up |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: extraction Filename: EXTRACT.MOD |
Posted Sun 11th Jul 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune is funky! Starts with a cool slap-bass-line and some synth backing up the bass. The 'chorus' or 'main-part' in this songs kicks ass. And the other parts kics ass too, although the samples used to make these parts are AWFUL! But I can live with that cuz the rest of the song is so cool! I don't understand why someone would make such a cool song with such bad samples.. If it hadn't been for the samps I would have given this tune 8.5 at least! Everything else is perfect in this tune...technically speaking. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: ja0ja0ja0 DETH! Filename: ef-argh.xm |
Posted Sun 11th Jul 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
Eatfrog has done it again. He has submitted another bad song. (that was harsh, wasn't it?:) This is a boring techno-tune. It's not only boring, but it doesn't sound good either. Speaking of bad sound.. what is that distortion-guitar doing in this tune?! The samples aren't tuned together, the samples aren't good, the song is tracked badly. Next time, you should try and be a little less repetive, a little more original and try to try to spend more time picking samples than you did on this one. Good luck!:-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Great Unnamed Song Filename: |
Posted Sun 11th Jul 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
The song starts out with a plucked(?) violin who's followed by some nice strings. Suddenly the beat wants to join, and I'm glad it did. This beat gives a lot of athmosphere to this tune. More strings and a piano join in. This is a great part of the song. A lot of atmosphere! The only bad thing about the melody is the plucked-violin line. This sounded good in the intro but not in the rest of the tune. Anyways this is a very good song with lots of athmosphere! There are some technical errors in this tune. Some hints that this composer is still a little unexperienced. Most of the samples are good, effects are used wisely and all in all this is a good song (technically speaking) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: rowing without my ears Filename: ears.s3m |
Posted Sun 11th Jul 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This melody consists of a cool chip-sample going up and down with a slide-to-note-effect, an all-too-technoish bass line, a really bad piano melody (and sample) and an unoriginal yet fetching beat. The chip-sample is a big plus, and the piano is a big minus. One should think that this song sucked, but somehow it doesn't. There is a lot of enegy in this tune that makes you wanna listen to it although it's not perfect. Some of the samples (e.g the bass and the piano) are REALLY bad. But yet there are good samples like the chip sample and some of the percussion. The chip-part is well-tracked. This guy have also learned how to use some effects which sounds good in this tune |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Electronic Punk Filename: e-punk.xm |
Posted Sun 11th Jul 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
The melody is quite boring. Nothing new, you've heard it all before. This song could have been good if the melody had a climax, but it doesn't:( The composer says that he wanted to make his song to be a Prodigy-like tune, but I can hardly say he succeeded. This is an all to repetive, boring, non-takeoff song, with a beat that lacks power. I think a louder beat along with a melody that actually changed once in a while could have gotten this song a better score. These samples are mostly crap. The beat samples are low quality and the string/synth/whatever that plays the lead is not good at all. There are very few effects used in this tune, too bad cuz that could have brought the song a better rating. All in all, this is a novice song... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: emotional_storm Filename: emotion.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Mar 1999
Rated 10 / 10 |
Shit! This is good! The main thing that impressed me about this tune is the athmosphere. At first there's this really nice piano part with war-drums (march) and a flute+synths, then the horns come in and eventually some other instruments too. The chord progression in this song is a stroke of genius yet so simple. I think the choice of instruments and the beat is what makes this song a straight 10! Congratz! These samples are awesome. (I'm gonna rip'em if you let me). No mistakes not one tiny bad sound through the whole tune (which is long). Effects and samples are used with perfection. And still this guy has managed to keep this song below 300 kb!!! Everyone needs to hear this tune cuz the athmosphere will affect you for a long time after you've listened to it! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Evil Empire Filename: evilext.xm |
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 1 / 10 |
This is not ok. This is musical pollution. At first it sounds awful, then some drums are added (awful) then it becomes awful again:-) Someone's first mod. You can tell... awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful awful (have to fill up three lines :-)) What's there to say. There's no melody only noise. The beat consists of a bass drum and a snare (lousy samples). No effects. This tune shouldn't have been submitted to an archive like this. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Emotional Suffering Filename: emotion.s3m |
Posted Sun 21st Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
The melody is basically a pretty cool instrument going up and down using a slide-to-note effect. So simple, yet so great. In the background there's a nice beat (repetive), and some kind of back-up stuff that also sounds great. All in all this tune is quite fetching and is definately worth the download which is only a 100 kb. quality tracking all the way (almost). The slide-to-note effect on the lead sounds a little awkward sometimes. Also I think the background instruments should be a little louder. Anyways this is a song that never quite rocks, but stays mellow all the way. With a little work, couple of different patterns, some drum fills + a little more feeling would make this s3m really, really good! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: By: Andreas Viklund Filename: e_dreams.xm |
Posted Tue 16th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune has a pretty classic chordprogression. Nothing new here, really. It's nice enough though and makes a nice core for the song. There's a piano playing the main melody backed up by the good ol' synth 'n' bass. sounds good, BUT (and here's the reason why I didn't give this a semi-pro rating)... There's way too much repetition in here. Basically.. except for one single part it's the same thing going over and over.. Keep in mind that this is one of Andreas OLD-SCHOOL tunes:) The samples are great (except for the "snare"-sample..didn't like that one). The effects are great. Everything floats together like a beautiful river (ahh..poetic this evening). Seems pretty clear that Andreas discovered his talent of great tracking! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Eve's Reasons Filename: |
Posted Sat 13th Feb 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
This melody is not very original. It sounds like the guy that made this just put several notes into a pattern randomly. Then I think he added a quite lame beat and a distorted guitar that sounds awful. The melody goes two or three times before the song loops and starts over again. Repetive...:-((( The samples are not good, the only one I could live with is the lead sample. The composer has tried to use some panning effects here...didn't work. He's also tried to do some volume slides here and there...didn't work either:-). This sounds like someone's first or second mod ever. This mod has no soul... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: -> Epic : The War <- Filename: epic.xm |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
At first this song is really moody. Made me think of all those fantasy books I've ever read. Everythings going great with bassy drums and a classy synth to go with. But all things have an end. The composer of this song starts using a flute of somekind. This blew the song basically, with good help from way too many synths at one time making nothing but pollution! No effects, and the samples can be counted with one hand. I think that a lot of volume slides, some slide-to-notes and some panning could really make a difference here. Since the foundation for this song actually is quite good, I'd recommend the composer to make a new version cutting some of the synths on the end, adding the fx and re-upload this tune! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Equinoxe IV by JMJ Filename: equinoxe.xm |
Posted Thu 11th Feb 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
The original tune by Jean-Michel Jarre has been one of my all-time fav songs. Therefore I had to concentrate on not being to skeptical on this one. This tune stays very close the the original, but this tune lacks most of the awesome sound-fx Jarre uses. I don't know what to say...this one didn't work out as a remix:-( Nice samples. The composer has managed to make a tune that sounds pretty much like Jarre's. But not completely. It lacks the energy, the power and the feeling that he has on the original track. Yet, I've seen a lot worse remixes than this one. I liked the panning! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: 'Esteem' by Mick Rippon. Filename: ESTEEM.S3M |
Posted Wed 10th Feb 1999
Rated 9 / 10 |
This song is cool! Kind of mystical, but yet alive and fetching. The melody is great and it's changing throughout the song(!!). The beat is pretty damn awesome and a synth and a cool bass line backs the lead flute(?) up in a great way. Yes people! Get this one!! I don't know what to say... The samples are great (I'm gonna rip'em:-) Perfect tracking, no mistakes, just pure brilliancy. The only reason why I didn't give this thing a straight 10 was that it lacks the last ounce of energy that a 10-classic needs to have. Still... download this one! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Jeeaah... Filename: ef-qwert.xm |
Posted Wed 10th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
Cool tune...although it didn't make me dance:) The lead instrument part is pretty good, and the bass-line aint bad either, but the beat is NOT good at all. I think it would have been a lot better with other drum samples, though. Anyways, this is eatfrog's first tune I think, so all in all this is no disaster. Just too bad that the beat drags down the overall impression:( This thing is well tracked. Remember that this is a chip-tune. Just lame that the beat isn't as good as the rest of the song. Keep it up eatfrog! :-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: elven-beat12 Filename: ELVEN12.MOD |
Posted Wed 10th Feb 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
Nice happy melody where a piano is the main instrument. Sounds like some tune I've heard in a game, but I can't figure out which one. (please help me!!). Nice beat, though the beat samps are poor. If the maker of this tune had taken the time to expand it a little, it would help a lot. Nice samples except for the drum samples. No mistakes on the technical part except for some volume-thingys that didn't sound good at some places. All in all, this tune is a pretty well tracked:-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: A Wedding in the Leaves Filename: ek-weddn.s3m |
Posted Tue 9th Feb 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
Melody starts out with a wedding-tune. I think that's what this tune was made for, but after a while it doesn't sound like that anymore. At this point, I wouldn't say that there is any excuse for letting your mods play the same (quite boring) string melody over, and over, and over..... Good samples, good effects.. All in all good tracking. But why stop tracking after you have completed 10 patterns. On E-Keet's behalf, I think his mods had been better off if the cut/paste tool had never been invented:) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Empty Forest Filename: EMPTY4ST.XM |
Posted Sat 30th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is one helluva tune! when I first reviewed this one I decided to give it a straight 10 But... I decided that I'd have to change that cause Gnosis have thrown away the opportunity to make an all time favourite here, but gave it up. He made a great track with strings and pan flutes and so on, but he could have expanded it a lot more.. Don't get me wrong here the tune is a GREAT one.. go ahead download it!! I love the samples in this tune. Great strings, bass, drums, flute and synth. The only thing is that it should have been longer. A song with a potential like this should be a bit longer than 3 mins. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Elemental Force By SMS Filename: |
Posted Fri 29th Jan 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
This melody is pretty damn cool! Just too bad that SMS didn't take the time to change every once in a while. Basically, it consists of some space-synth sample with a really neat sample offset effect and some strings and a piano playing the same melody over and over. A flute also enters the party someplace in the song, but I almost couldn't hear it because the other instruments were going too loud. Cool samples, cool effects (panning!). I can't think of much to say here so I'll just continue writing this crap so that I won't get yelled at by the head honcho:-) As I said, this tune is quite repetive, but it gets a good rating cause of the classic&simple, but yet cool melody |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Electric Memories Filename: elecmemo.xm |
Posted Fri 29th Jan 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
Classic dance melody, with a classic dance beat. This tune is one of those that'll make you think of all the great party-memories you have from last summer, all the chicks in small bikinis and that one you kissed madly then untied her biki...... No mistakes again could hear, but no technical soopa-moves either. (semi-pro) The melody are pretty repetive, though. But aren't all dance melodies? |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: En lugn dag ! Filename: eld.xm |
Posted Tue 26th Jan 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
This is a plain piano tune. No more, no less. The melody's very straight and not very original. Nothing new in here... After a while, we also get to hear a beat somewhat unoriginal (that too). All in all this song is way too repetive and way too boring! Uhh... no effects, bad drum samples. No other mistakes.. not much to say... GODAMMIT!! I can't fill 3 lines in here!! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Filename: |
Posted Sun 24th Jan 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This song is weird! At first it starts up with a quite cool jazz-part which stops after a while... then suddenly the style switches to acid (or whatever) with heavy beats and a really bad bass line.. then this too stops, *silence* and it starts up again with a part somewhat like the last before this too stops and the jazz part begins again... As I said this mod is strange.. but download it! You get three (or more) songs in one:-) The beats here are quite cool, and the jazz part at the beginning and the end is way neat! The samples are good. Contains some effects like some panning, volume and pitch stuff and so on. Nothing extraordinary there.. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: RAVICAL JOURNEY Filename: |
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is kind of original for a rave song. Halloween-like background music attached to a pretty good (though very repetive) rave beat. The first two minutes is not bad, but when you hear the exact same stuff after six minutes.... ¿?Repetition warning!!?¿ No big mistakes, nor anything really great. So: average grade.. I like the drum samps. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Adrenaline 4 Filename: |
Posted Sun 17th Jan 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
Ummm....I hope I'm not hurting anyone's feelings when I say that this is probably someone's first mod. There's really no melody in here. Just a not-so-good beat with some strings/guitar samples tossed in randomly. Bad drum samps, no effects (at least I couldn't hear them). This is probably made by someone who's just downloaded a tracker...:-) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Happydays r Back!/EE Filename: ee_happy.xm |
Posted Fri 18th Dec 1998
Rated 6 / 10 |
The melody is based on four or five straight piano chords, with a pounding bass line and a classical rave beat to it. I wasn't astonished by the piano part. In fact I didn't like the melody at all. There was however, a pretty cool instrument somewhere in this tune that caught my ear. ¿?High-level repetition warning?¿ This tune is made in a pretty professional way. Not much to complain about. The only bad thing is the high repetition-level in which pulls the rating on this one down. I also think that it might be a good idea to use a larger selection of samples. It gets kind of boring after a while.. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: · "Eden" · Necros / FM Filename: EDEN.S3M |
Posted Tue 15th Dec 1998
Rated 9 / 10 |
There isn't actually much of a melody in this tune, but with loads of cool samples, effects and beats makes this a thrilling experience. This sounds very professional and all I can say is that Necros has done it again:-) Amazing! The samples are awesome, and the effects make them even better. I couldn't hear a single error throughout the song. This stereo-work is AwEsomE! The only thing I would change is the melody (or the lack of one). I think I'd add a tiny synth line. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: EDDIE.XM Filename: EDDIE.XM |
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 1 / 10 |
This song is carbage! Sorry grondy, but this just aint good enough. The melody is trash... Actually there is no melody at all, just noise. This is musical pollution... The thing that actually screws this song up so much, is that there's no melody. There's just a whole lot of notes thrown into a pattern... Awful samples, and if there were any effects I couldn't hear them because of all the noise :-). Sorry man, but you need to practice! I hope this won't offend you, but is this your first mod ever? |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Exotic Drummer Dance Filename: eddance.s3m |
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 4 / 10 |
The musical part of this tune is not very good, but I don't think the author gave that too much thought either. The main thing in this fairly short tune, is the beat which actually aint all that bad. Actually, the beat is the only reason I didn't give this song a straight 1. The drum samples aren't all that bad, but that lead sample (I don't really know what it is supposed to be) is!. The beat is cool, the music stinks. All together the quality of this song is quite a bit below average |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Ecuador Remix-DJ Dafuki Filename: ecuador.s3m |
Posted Mon 14th Dec 1998
Rated 5 / 10 |
Well, Dj Dafuki has done it. He has made a pretty good remix of the lousiest tune ever made. I really don't understand why people would make remixes of this song. Other than that, the song is ok I guess. ¿?Repetition-warning?¿ Good samples and I'm sure the effects are good (didn't hear any). A pretty flawless tune, but there's a lot of repetition. |
Title: -= CaveTec =-
Filename: vr_cave.xm
Rated 8 / 10