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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: micmon Filename: micmon.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
This track has not much to offer. Its a little more then 1 min long, which is very short for its kind. During that minute the song plays the same pattern 9 times, with minor changes in the musical weave. Pattern 2 and 3 at least sound right, however, the rest have the same mistake of an uncut sample that ruines the harmony. No decent melody here, just trash guitar chords, and trash guitar chord hits. The song has a one pattern introduction, however its nothing spectacular, just a set of drums with graudally increasing volume. It ends in a simple fadeout, which seems to me just a forced way to end the song. Not much on the front, not much inside either. Samples are 8 bit, but they are more or less appropriate for their purpose, and sound ok together. Pattern structure is preety much basic and simple, and actually most of the song is one pattern which was copied 9 times, with a few insignificant alterations. The artist used some volume setting in the patterns, however, they did no good, and made no difference. The theme is ok, and basically this song had a potential to be a good or maybe even very good track, but only if the artist treated it more seriously. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: MICIA Filename: micia.xm |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
Its a kind of piece i never heared before. It has a strange and short introduction, which seems to me just a test pattern the artist put accidently, or maybe not. The rest of the song is actually good, and even entertaining. It has a very strong and fun bass line which lasts throughout the whole track, you can say the song is that bass line. Of course there are other leyers such as some melodies made by some high synths and guitar instruments, but they are preety much dull and dont add much to the song. It ends in a very fast fadeout, a bit too fast in my opinion. Generally, a fine track, not much of a melody or creativity, but sill, fun to listen to. All samples are 8 bit, but the artist used instruments instead, making them sound better. The choise of samples is not perfect, but they manage to sound fine together. Pattern strucutre is ok, from the 8 channels used, 6 are for the bass and drums. Beside the global decrease in volume, no sound effects were used. A few volume settings here and there preety much sums the volume control. There are lots of patterns repeating themselfs, at least in the beginning, towards the end it improves a little with some new melodies. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Wonderworld Filename: mhk.s3m |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
A nice piece, with a mysterious atmosphere. It starts with a broken harp chords and a quiet string. A nice melody is then added, which sadly is too quiet, making it hard to enjoy. The broken chords remains throughout the whole piece with some new and surprising changes in the melody. Then, the artist just playes the whole thing one more time, only this time with some percusions, which are not that great or notable, so it gets boring in the second cycle. Another major drawback of this track, is that some samples are just too quiet (the flute), and the other leyers of the song just clouds what should have been the melody. Overall, its just a bit more than average, but the theme is lovely so you might want to check it out. Not much can be put here. The samples are preety bad, all are 8 bit quality. Some of them are slitely out of tune, but just slitely , hardly noticable. Pattern structure is quite simple, nothing spectacular, and the pattern arrangment is too, not very advanced with some patterns repeating themslefs. The artist used some temp and volume effects, in a proper way, making the song more interesting, but neglected the lead samples, so you can barely hear the melody. Still, a fine track, with a good idea behind it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: "Metroplex" Filename: metroplx.s3m |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 10 / 10 |
This track is AMAZING! I can only imagine how much effort was put into this. Its a jazz like style, cant be sure what style exactly, but generally its jazz. The artist used piano, guitar and what seems to be an organ samples. The piano chords arranged in a rythmic manner, and they are the introduction of the song. A nice beat is than added, along with a cool organ solo, that sounds so realistic to me. The background is very dynamic, keeps changing and refreshing, and nothing lasts there very long, thats what making the song flow so well. Next the song offers great guitar parts, that sounds just...well amazing, both musically and technically. The beat line is a masterpiece on its own, since its too adapted very well to the style, and is full of great percusion system combinations. The song continues with its light musical route with new soloists and new musical ideas until it ends in a preety simple way, but very appropriae to the genre. Its tracks like this that makes me wonder, why do i bother writing music..... :) This song was written back in 1995, and all the samples used are 8 bit. But who cares?? The samples work absoloutley great together. It sounds as if a real jazz group recorded that song in a studio. The patterns look very impressive. Great volume control, every samples sounds just right, and no sample is too loud or too quiet. Good panning were used, its constant, creating the feeling of a real band where each instrument located in a certain location. The artist used lots of sound effects in a proffesional manner. Its just a work of a pro, a masterpiece, nothing less. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: metal Filename: metal.mod |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 2 / 10 |
I had little pleasue listening to this track. This song is just about random notes, and loud noise. The theme is quite basic, only 4 chords, repeating themselfs. The solo parts are played by a high synth sample that offers no real melody, but simply loud beeping chord notes. In the end of each pattern theres the same trash guitar mini-solo, which is is too loud and repeative. The beat consists of a strange hihat combination and an occasional quiet kick drum. And above all, it has no ending!!! It doesnt even loop, unless you set your player to loop the song, like me. Thats about it, not a good song. Samples are 8 bit and they sound awful. Some of them are even out of tune, and it seems the artist didnt notice that. The patterns are full with lots of meaningless notes, looking impressive at first sight but soon are found to be just a random sequence with no real melody. Also, each sample is allowed to play in its maximum volume, and all together they sound just very loud and irritating. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: meta Filename: meta.mod |
Posted Sun 28th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a slow and quiet piece with a romantic atmosphere. It starts with a very beautiful combination of strings and bass. On top if the the artist added then a nice beat and piano melodies. The beat never remains the same for long, and keeps changing throughtout the whole piece, and never getting boring. There are some nice transition parts with good percusions that suites the environment. The musical theme is very wide and diverse, and has a lot to offer to the listener. Its a very beautifull track, worth the download. All samples used are 8 bit, and some of them sound quite bad, but only when they are alone. When put together they function well. The artist maintained a good volume control, constantly increasing and decreasing the strings volume, thus creating the feeling the song is "breathing". The sequence of the song is great, though its a slow and quiet piece, the theme keeps changing, keeping the listener captive in the music. The bass line of the song is very dynamic, and is not being used for the sole purpose of a low string, but has its own melodies and guidelines, decorated with some sound effects to add flavour to its part. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Messenger of Light Filename: messengr.xm |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
An excellent track, i enjoyed this alot. It starts with a full piano chord hits, arranged in a rythmic manner. Then, the artist added some quiet strings and a hihat line. Next, we got a nice beat with a tropical nature. The beat line is quite dynamic, and changes here and there, also participating in some well made transition parts. I loved the flute solo very much, its just so beautifull. The song is getting a bit repeative towards the end, however the theme is so apealing i didnt feel the repeat was unnecessary. Some parts sounds a bit empty, a more loud background strings there ( e.g: the second cycle of the flute solo ) could reach new musical climax. Also, the piano chord hits are getting quite redundant in the last patterns, so it would be a good idea to hush them a little. Overall, its a highly recommended piece with a jungle like atmosphere, worth the download and more. Samples are good, some of them are 8 bit, however the artist made a good sounding instruments, and they all fit and blend very nice together. Theres a maintained volume control, however it gets a bit out of hand in the last patterns, where they all sound a bit loud, but not too much. Good use of sound effects such as note slides, decorating the piece, specially the flute part, adding to it more size and meaning. Pattern structure is rather complexed, suggesting this is a skillfull tracker. The advanced panning techniques confirms, as they are very advanced and sophisticated, making the song sound better, and more expressfull. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: meskalin Filename: meskalin.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
Just a very short chip music- 25 sec. The theme is rather nice, with a decent bass and percusions. It has no ending, just loops back. It has all the things you'd expect to find in chip files, but lacks purpose, meaning and length. Technically, it looks quite complicated. The artist used the common chip sound effects such as arpeggio, vibrato etc. It has a nice sound to it, and the samples work preety much fine together, though they are of a low quality. Could be a more notable piece if it was longer, and more diverse. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: merdemusic Filename: merdemus.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 1 / 10 |
I'm tired of being right all the time. This file is the exact duplicate of the files merde.mod and merdemu.mod. merdemu.mod, as i established, is the exact duplicate of merde.mod. I'll reffer to merde.mod as the origin just because it comes first in the list, the other 2 are simply a copies of that file, that for some reason were added together with the origin. Well, its ok, no harm is done, thats what i'm here for. Just go read the review for merde.mod if your still interested in this file. I'll write nothing concerning technical issues for this song here, because i already mentioned those issues in the merde.mod file. Good day... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: merdemusic Filename: merdemu.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 1 / 10 |
Yep, as i thought. This track gets a zero because its just a copy of a file named merde.mod. If there are changes here that seperate this file from the other, its beyond my powers to detect them, maybe a microscope would help. If you still interested in this file, go read the review on merde.mod. All the techinal issues concerning this file can be found in the review for the file merde.mod. If this is still the year 2002, it should be probobly right above this file. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: merdemusic Filename: merde.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 2 / 10 |
Each time i download a small file, i take a risk since it might be really really bad, or just a meaningless piece, however i had my share of surprsies already when small tracks amazed me with their capacity. Sadly, its not the case in this track. The artist created only 4 patterns, each loops at least twice, some loops 3 times. The musical theme is ok, conssitant of only 2 chords. It doesnt have much room for development, since it last only 67 secs. The bass and drums lines are ok, nothing spectacular. There is no clear melody, just some more high and low basses scattered throughtout the track. Seems like the artist forgot to finish it. Nothing here either. 5 bad quality samples, used on 4 channels, arranged in 4 patterns, what did you expect? The artist used some volume effects, cant say it did miracles, or add more meaning. The pattern structure is very simple and unsophisticated. Could be worth a download if the composer treated it more seriously, however its just an uncomplete begginers work. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Light of Power Filename: mercy-lightofp.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is a cute piece with the famouse and most common rock n roll chords. The percusions are constant but quite suitable for the piece. The bass line is good, giving a solid basis for the song. The solo parts are lovely, however the sample that preformes them, some kind of a high guitar synth, is very bad, and just doesnt blend so good with the rest of the samples. Theres an unexpected turn in the musical line, near the end, i liked that cause it surprised me and gave a new feeling of the song. Sadly, this track has no ending, it just loops back to the beginning, that is if you set your player to loop the song :) Not much on this section. Thats not surprising the samples are bad, since the origin of this song is in the last milenium, more then a decade ago. However, most of the samples work fine together except that irritating synth which i mentioned already. The artist maintained volume control in the bass and drums sections, however a more carefull attention to the solo part and that synth could soften the mood and improve it a bit. Overall its a nice piece, worth the 3 seconds of download. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Mercury Rain Filename: mercrain.s3m |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
Very good track, but unfortenatly lacks some important components to be an excellent one. The atmosphere created in this song is very dramatic and mysterious, however it does getting boring and tedious since there are only few changes in the musical line. It starts with some synths background, and a quiet beat. Gradually more and more leyers are added, such as low and high strings, industrial basses, etc. The bass line is very very good, those low industrial bass hits added a whole new dimenstion. At this point the track is still very much interesting and appealing, however, it fails to implement its promises, because nothing happens afterwards, it just continues with its course, with the same chords, with no climax. Another thing that hurt this song in my opinion is its lack of ending. Instead of an end the artist loops the song back to the beginning. I have no complaints at this section of the review, its was quite perfect. All samples are 8 bit quality, but the artist did a fine job with them, selecting the right samples for the right parts. A good volume control, no sample stand out too much, even the background synth that can be heared throughout the whole piece is quite in the right volume and though getting slitely irritating its a very important part of the atmosphere. No panning techniques were used, but the artist did create a sound dispersal system so that it wont be squished in the middle. No major sound effects were used, however i believe no sound effects could drasticlly improve this piece, technically, it sounds and looks very good. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: M.Environ / Merlin Filename: merlinmusic_-_menviron.xm |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This is one of these tracks that you can listen for hours, hyptnotized, captive in the music as one can be. It starts with some broken synth chords, that builds the dark and dramatic atmosphere. Soon enough the beat kicks in, starting with a rythmic hihat line. As expected in this type of music, theres one main theme that remains throught the whole song with differnt solo parts. The theme is very beautifull, and the solo parts are great too, both in music and preformance. I specially liked the piano part in patterns 4>5>16>6. The beat line is rather simple with some nice breakbeats sections, yet i think its the most proper line for this song. The track ends in a clear and strong way, acompanied by an echo fadeout. Very much recommended, even if you're not intrested in that kind of music. All the samples are 8 bit, however they sound great together, furthermore the artist did made a beter sounding instruments. The whole piece has a very profound sound, cant say though its due to the panning techniques, which doenst make much of a difference. A better sound dispersal could make the trick. Very advanced tracking skills are shown in these patterns, starting with absolute volume control, and great use of sound effects. An excellent piece of work, good job Merlin. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: nts.7 Filename: nts_7.mod |
Posted Sat 27th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
I hoped this last chapter of the megaball sequel will be better than the ones before, and gladely my wish came true. Its only a good track, but it beats all the other 3. Theres an introduction of bass and some short background elements, before the percusion kicks in. Good use of some nice low strings in certain parts, gives the song a more complete sound to it. Not much diversity could be found here though, and i suppose the listener will get bored towards the end, also, the flute gets old and tiring since its part never changed throughout the whole piece. I liked the overall atmosphere in this one, which is quite happy , but not too happy, thats important. Samples are 8 bit quality, but they seem to work fine together. The pattern structre is getting more and more advanced with some sound effects that add new meaning to the song. The beat line is constant throughtout the the whole track, but it serves the song well, with some nice transition and breakbeat parts. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: bagels.ball Filename: bagels_ball.mod |
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is the best one so far from the mega ball sequel. It reminded me alot its predeccesor in its atmosphere, which is rather sad. The beat line is much better than before, with some nice breakbeats here and there. The bass guitar is quite usefull in builiding a solid basis for the differnt solo parts which are quite diversed. This track breaks the tradition and actually "ends", however the ending will be best described as bizzare, and its defently doesnt belong to the rest of the song. The artist keeps improving on his technical skills, but still has alot to learn. Theres is a more bigger use of sound, volume and tempo effects, and most of them are appropriate and fits well with the song, however there are exceptions such as pattern 9 ( arpegio is badly used causing some serious demage to the musical harmony) and pattern 11 ( the vibrato is too deep ). Samples remains bad, but at least not worse. Writing skills are still quite amateur but you're on the right track.....get it?!?! track.....i kill myself |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: dead2.ball Filename: dead2_ball.mod |
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
Not better than its predeccesor, actually its worse. This track plays the same pattern over and over again with some changes in the beat and bass line. The solo is played by an unfitting guitar, It, however doesnt change almost at all during the song, thus becoming quite annoying. Theres no ending to this song, it simply loops back to the beginning and starts a new cycle. As expected, the samples are of low quality, especially the solo guitar. The artist has advanced a little since megball1, using some usefull effects for better sound and volume control, however the use of this effects is very very limited and just not enough to save the piece. Songs pattern order is simple. There are lots of patterns looping, some more than twice. Inside pattern structure remained basic and unchallanging. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: high.ball Filename: high_ball.mod |
Posted Mon 15th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
This song really has not much to offer, except a happy and cheerfull atmosphere for about 1 min. When it reaches the end it loops back to pattern 3. The theme remains constant throughout the whole piece, with a few different solo parts which are only average. Being an old mod piece, its surprising that all the samples are 8 bit, however they do blend quite nicely together. The artist used the portemanto up effect, but to no real purpose and without making much difference. Writing techniques seems to be preety simple and unadvanced, not much sufistication here. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: megafoe Filename: megafoe.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 1 / 10 |
Ok, this is not funny anymore, so i'll make it short. This file is the same track called MEGAFOE.MOD, in big letters. This one is written with small letter - megafoe.mod, see? aside this small and irrelevant change, they are identical. Dont bother to read the technical field because i'll put nothing there. Bye.... |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: mega end Filename: megaend.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track builds a romantic mood, with a nice sax and flute solo parts. The musical theme is quite extensive, giving lots of room for the soloists for improvization. A bass guitar provides the bass line which is very good, gentle yet noticable. Some strings and synths provide the background that sounds broken, yet that addes a mysterious touch to the song. The ending is terrible. Theres a sharp decrease in the songs speed, and then a final chord that sounds pathetic and fake just ends the whole deal. Until the ending the track is good, maybe geting a bit worn, but the final chord just spoils the entire atmosphere. Mega end? i think not... The samples are of a low quality, but that doesnt interfere them to sound preety good together. The sax sounds a bit rough but i guess it serves the mood well. The artist maintained some limited control over the volume, specially in the solo parts, where he probobly felt it was most needed. Some sound effects were used too, cant say they made lots of difference. The artist prepared a transition pattern and used it whenever it was neccesery, specailly between different solo parts. Thats a nice idea, although suggesting about a lazy character :) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: ball.main Filename: ballmain.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is obviously someones first work. Being so, this piece doesnt have lots of musical content, however it manages to deliver a decent preformance. It starts with a basic bass line, made by a bass guitar, acompanied by a short piano chord hits. Than, a set of drums are added, creating a very simple beat. Next, the artist wrote some synth parts with a short flute solo which seems to be more a background sound. It doesnt have an ending, but the artist created a musical connection between the last pattern and the first so it sounds ok when it return to the begining. Most first works have very little technical content, this track is no different. The artist didnt use any volume settings or alterations during the play, also no sound effects were used, though there are evidence the artist did try to use some, but to no success. The song is built in a very simple method, each pattern repeats itself twice, then moving to the next pattern. Inside pattern strucutre is too, very simple and basic. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Zo Ver Weg Filename: meeuwis.s3m |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This is yet another track with only one theme repeating itself over and over again with ofcourse some improvments and modifications, however nothing drastic or notable. Theres no introduction, the song just starts with the theme, which i must say is quite a lovely piano melody, but soon becomes tedious since it doesnt change to the very end, which seems to me more a transition part than ending. Overall its a good piece, but not a great one. Average would be an apporpirate way to describe this song technically. The artist maintained a proper volume control, not allowing any sample stand out too much, and even creating some nice volume rises in the beat line. All the samples are 8 bit, however most of them blend really well together, except one- the kick drum. This sample is defently misplaced in this track, and should be, by my humble opinion, misplaced by other. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: ## meeting ## Filename: meeting.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 10 / 10 |
This track is simply amazing, especially musically. Its an old mod piece dated back to 1993, with a jazzy mood. Its quite short, only 1:27 however i never got the feeling is too short, or that it left me hanging. Theres a steady swing like beat, with cool breakbeats in the transition parts. The song is built of many solo parts yet it sound as one complete unit. The soloists are mostly an organ, piano and a guitar, and their parts are briliantly written, and sound both alive and real due to the great volume control. Theres no point to try to describe it further in words, lets just say that i'm now aware that tracked music can be as good, if not better, than real studio music. Any person who sees himself as tracker must have this one! The song is not less impressive on this field. The artist used the change speed effect in every row of the patterns, that what makes the swing-like rythm. Excellent volume control in every possible aspect of that phrase, i mean, you know its perfect when you feel theres a real band sitting next to you and playing only for you. To add flavour to the song, the artist used some sound effects such as vibrao, and tone poratmento, in a really constructive way. The fact that the composer had only 4 channels for his purpose, and with those 4 channels he wrote this, is just...just........ I'm gonna put this in its own directory, find a cool icon and learn every row in this song so maybe, someday, i'll realize i'll never create something as perfect as this. You should too :) |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: medsong Filename: medsong.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This song has a strong and clear base line, which is also dynamic and changes along with the musical theme. The musical theme is very wide and contains lots of musical sentences and ideas, which are acomplished by many different solo parts. Never the less, i found it preety boring and monotonous. The musical themes are lovely however their preformance is dry, because all the samples always plays in the same volume or the same level of excitment, so the parts that were supposed to be much more interesting and different sound just like the parts before. Musically, it has lots of potential, but the preformance pulls it down. Technically this piece has very little, or actually none. Starting with volume control which is absolutely missing, and thats the reason why its so boring. No effects of anykind whatsoever were used here, another reason why the listener lose interest. As expected from an old mod tune, all the samples are 8 bit, however i cant complain here because they are not the reason for the songs disadvantages. They're not awesome, but they're ok. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Medieval Lights Filename: mediligh.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
The general atmosphere created in this piece of music is of heavy and dark character, achieved by a low string and high brass sample. Whats started as a promising track continues in very peculiar way. There are lots of misharmonics, and just what seems to me random notes made by the brass sample. The compser made some quiet parts after the mess in the begining, however the quiet parts are too quiet, consisiting of only 1 sample that plays some broken chords. Next we got a more interesting part that consists of some low strings and nice bell solo, but then again the composer made a big mess with wrong chords and random notes. Its hard to make sence of any of this. Not much here. Very limited use of sound effects with practicly no visible purpose whatsoever. No volume control, and this track could use it. Only 5 samples are used, all 5 are 8 bit quality and well worn, but thats no big surprise as it seems to me this is a very old piece. Pattern strucutre is very simple and unchallanging. For someones first work i guess its ok, but still, it sounds too weird. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: mechanical world Filename: mechanical_world.mod |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This piece starts with some low strings and basses, along with a bunch of industrial drums that all together sound quite good and promising, but then in pattern 3 the artist introduces us to a high and annoying set of synths that seems to me totaly misplaced. The synths usualy stand out too much and with not much diversity they are soon to become very irritating and boring. The song continues with the same musical idea - which is quite narrow and unexpresive - throuhgout the whole time until it ends in an echo. I heared better tunes thats for sure. This is what i call a way too much extensive use of sound effects. The composer used arpeggio, vibrato portemanto up and down, maybe some more, the problems is most of the sound effects actually helped to bury the song. The track would actually sound better without half of the effects. All the samples involved are of a low quality and it shows during the play time, they are also blend very poorly together providing the song with an unatural and annoying sound. According to the structure of the patterns it seems this is actually a skilled tracker but probobly with not much experience. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: My New Mech Filename: mech.xm |
Posted Sat 13th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
Very good track, very good track indeed. The beat is fast and steady throughout the whole piece. One more thing that is steady is the background main theme, which is played by a beautiful synth instrument. The introduction starts with that theme, gradually increasing the volume, then the artist added some bass, some percusion, adding to the song more size and meaning. Theres also, musically steady part in the middle, meaning 1 chord is played while some synths and bass amaze the audience with their virtousic skills. Although there are many parts repeating themselfs in the song i never felt i lost MUCH interest and most of the time remained very much captive in the music, however a bit more diversity could be nice. The song ends in a very strong and clear way, puting it in contrast to the introduction which as i said starts slowely and quietly. Dont skip this track. Most of the samples are 8 bit , however i got the impression they all function quite good, and the artist created better sounding instruments out of them. Very advanced panning techniques were put to good use, making the song that already sounds great sound even better. Pattern structure suggest this is a highly experienced and skilled tracker that spared no means to make a great tune, and when i say means i mean sound effects and volume control and etc. A job well done. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Converted by PTMID! Filename: meatloaf.mod |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
This is a convertion of the "I will do anything for love" by Meatloaf. This is the first convertion for this song that i come across, and i must say the outcome is quite decent....considering the artist had only 4 channles for his purpose and used only 2 samples!!! Both are piano samples. The track remains loyal and accurate to the origin so Meatloaf fans outthere should get this one. Also, its recommended for the trackers community to see what you can do with only 2 piano samples. Welp, the samples are ofcourse 8 bit quality, but thats irrelavnt because they sound preety much ok with no harsh endings or static noise, besides for a guy who used only 2 samples i'm not gonna even look at the samples quality, just forget what i wrote above. The patterns structure is rather advanced, it has to be to be able to express a whole song with only 2 piano samples. He used some volume effects in a limited way, also some temp effects were used, if you remember there are alot of changes in the tempo of the original song. Overall its a good convertion, good job. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: meaning-of-life Filename: meaning.mod |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
The atmosphere created in this piece is very delicate and tender. The slow and gentle beat line remains for the rest of the track. Theres a quiet but beautiful xor voice in the background, giving the song a noble sound. Unfortenatly, thats about all the positive notes i can make about this track, the rest are negetive. The whole track contains only 6 pattersn, which all sound preety much like the rest. Some contains deep and low bass, some does not. Some contains 3 additional nots there, some does not and so on and so forth. The only reason it lasts 2:30 minuts is because of its low tempo. Another negetive point is the fact there is no proper ending to this song. The artist just allows it to turn back to the beginning and start all over again. Overall its a good piece, with a beautifull atmosphere but it lacks some creativity and meaning. All the samples sound preety good together. The artist maintained a good voluem control in the entire track, even created some echo effects using the set volume effect. The pattern structure suggest this is not a beginner but probobly a more advanced tracker with some experience in technical issues. More attention on the musical side could bring a better result. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: come with me Filename: me.xm |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is one hour compo track, so i'll try to remain open minded. It starts with a slow and quiet introduction played by a high string. Soon a low string is added to the background, with a plain solo made by the same instrument heared at the introducion. The solo part is slow and relaxed but there are some misharmonics created that just ruines the delicate atmosphere. At first the song just piles expectations for the continuation, and than in pattern 9, when instrument # 7 is put to use, the track is opened up, and musical peak is achieved, however again the misharmonics that come just half a second after spoils the whole experience. For the rest of the track, the atmosphere remains the same, nothing happens, nothing exciting anyway. It ends in a slow and graduat fadeout. Not a top dog, but might be wroth a download for its delicate environment. Technically this piece is ok. Though the samples are 8 bit quality, the artist did a fine job, modified them to sound very good together. Some sound effects were used in various places, cant say they improved the song alot though. Nothing spectacular, still, try to keep in mind this was written in one hour so overall its not a bad outcome. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: mod.moderntalking Filename: mdrntalk.mod |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 3 / 10 |
The musical structure of this track is the most common one actually. One Musical theme repeating itself while different layers are being put on top of it, with differnt solo parts. While this structure is fine and acceptable, the musical theme is very short, consits of only 4 chords. Therefor it gets rather boring and threshed not long after it starts. The bass line in most of the tracks parts is quite good, providing the song with a strong basis for the other layers, however sadly the "other" layers in most cases are poorly written. The solo parts are too loud, the percusions, when its not just random tapping, preformed by a very loud hihat sample. Another drawback of this piece is the lack of ending to it, it just returns back to the beginning. Not a good track, download at your own risk. As expected all the samples are of a low quality and most of them sound awful too. The artist used mostly volume effects, however obviously not where it was most needed because many parts in the song stand out too much. Some sound effects were also used, like: portamento up, portamento down and arpeggio, however those effects were usualy misplaced or used in a way that did more demage than good. The patterns structure seems to be not very complicated, and sometimes even very simple and novice. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: how deep is deep Filename: mdpisdep.mod |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 5 / 10 |
The first thing i noticed about this track is its lack of creativity. It has a very monotonous sound to it. Although there are some changes in the patterns, suggesting new musical ideas but i soon found out thats its just all the same stuff represented in a slitely differnt form. The percusions are quite basic but rythmic, and there are parts that together with the bass solo sound quite decent. The track has an ending however the ending is very very simple, just 2 piano notes forming half a chord played together. Thats about it, just an average piece, with no clear musical melody or direction. All samples are 8 bit quality, but that was expected since the date written on this one is 1989. Cant really say the samples sound great together, they sound ok, but some of them could be replaced with a better related samples. Besides a very limited use of volume effects no technical skill were shown. Just a basic, begginers work. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Labmat theme Filename: mdj_lab.xm |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 9 / 10 |
This is a very unique piece which i enjoyed a lot. It has a short introduction, thats leads us right into the heard of the song. The various themes used are very beautiful and very well connected. It got a fast and thrilling beat that keeps you very much interested and focused on the track throughout the whole piece. The mood created is mysterious and exciting. The ending is very original, creative and a bit surprising. It got some downsides which i must note: The whole song is built with lots of chords and strings and background sounds and beat etc etc, however its a shame the composer didnt write solo parts. Patterns 2>3>4>5 could support a very beautifull solo, i think a guitar synth would be very appropriate. The same goes for patterns 17>18>4>5. Besides that its musically perfect, a bit wierd you might say, but still highly recomended. Some advanced panning techniques and panning settings were used, providing the listener with a full and deep sound. The volume adjustments during the song helps constructing the musical peaks, however its not perfect because some parts sound too loud and in no way different than the parts heared before. No sound effects were used, but no sound effects were needed, this piece sounds perfect without them. All the samples used are 8 bit quality, yet its unoticable because as i said the song sounds almost perfect. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: MY DESTINY-Y3K Filename: mdestin8.xm |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a dance track, therefor it uses a fast and noticable beat line. However, to be a good dance track, more then a fast beat is required, and this track lacks some components. The main theme is rather nice, however the preformance is a bit "dry". The melody, which is quite nice, is played by somekind of a fluet-synth. The artist though could make it sound better with some background strings to amplify the chords. Though in dance tracks, many repetitions are ok and acceptable, this song is too repeative, and gets quite monotonous. The beat line is good, and the basses put on top are quite good as well, creating a solid basis for a dance piece. Not a bad track as a whole, a bit more creativity could make it better. The technical side is very interesting. The artist used some very advanced panning settings, making the song sound really good. Good use of volume control, he created lots of musical peaks which i enjoyed. Also some sound effects were used in the quite complicated patterns structure. All the samples are of a low quality but that goes unnoticed if you dont check them out, besides they sound quite good together. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Desert Between... Filename: mdesert.s3m |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is a very cute and nice game music. Its very short, 42 seconds, however you'll find it very addictive and catchy. It doesnt have an ending it just loops back to pattern #1, but i come to expect this phenomenon in this kind of music. It has a circus like atmosphere, its very happy and jolly. Recommended if you like game tracks. The songs structure is not very complicated, however the artist did a good use of the volume alterations, making a better sounding piece. Some basic panning techniques were used, the artist just set the panning settings in the beggining, however it does deliver a more deep sensation with a more real depth feeling. The artist made a wise choise of samples, though they all are 8 bit quality, they sound very good together. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: UNLIMIT-Dark Eye by Maquai Filename: |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 4 / 10 |
Very little can be said in this field. Musically, this piece has almost nothing to offer except the same old pattern repeating itself with various changes in the drums and basses and synths. Actually, "Various" is a bit exaggerated, since many patterns repeating themselfs 4 or more times, e.g: pattern 9, pattern 10. The bass and drum line are fairly ok, nothing spectacular, however the first thing you will notice is that its getting quite boring and iriitating, VERY irritating as the songs goes on. Thankfully it ends, rather then loops back, but the ending cant be described musically because it has almost nothing to do with it, it just ends with a laughter sound and some bass sequence. You can download if you wish, but you might wanna kill somebody afterwards, so be carefull. Again, cant really say much here. All the samples used are 8 bit quality, yet i cant say if they sound good together or not because they are not put to good use. No effects whatsoever were used, however i dont think they could save this one. The only technical skills shown are the ability to modify the volume near a certain note. Thats what you get when you have no musical idea and no technical experience. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: .md374 Filename: md374.xm |
Posted Fri 12th Jul 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
The track is succesfull in building and mainting the mood and the atmosphere of the track which is slow and dark. However, thats about the only positive musical thing i belive that exists here. The song fails to lead the audience somewhere, the atmosphere is nice but theres no point for all this. It just keeps going at the same direction with no peaks or ebb tides. Furthermore, the artist used some wierd chords in the last patterns of the song ( pattern12 and further ) that sound slitely misplaced. Overall, its not bad, but its deffently a disappointment for me, because i expected more from the way it started. Technically the song is very good. The artist used many echo effects, many sound effects too which gives a more deep sensation to the whole track. Also, some advanced panning techniques were used, serving the track very well, helping to establish the slow and ambient atmosphere. Most of the samples are of 8 bit quality but thats hardly noticable because the artist did a good job making them sound great together. Defently worth the download but as i said you might get disappointed if you're expectations are too high. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: quest for maturity Filename: mature.xm |
Posted Sun 30th Jun 2002
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a short and beautiful piece of music and defently one of the best short intros i heared so far - 1:16 minutes. It starts with some decending notes made by some sort of a glass bell? anyway, it puts the listenner in the mood which is hard to describe. For me, it reminded falling snow, a very pleasent atmosphere. On top of it, the artist put a nice and soft beat which fits very well in the environment, not being aggresive yet doesnt goes unnoticed. The next new layer is the low and soft string, bringing some mystory to the song. The next pattern is beautiful ( pattern #4) because it introduces us a very lovely solo acomplished by a brass-string. Patterns 7 and 8 brings a new sensation to the atmosphere, i cant really say what you will see in your imagination but i pictured drops of rain. I dont know why the artist named it the way he did, i think its totally a nature song, describing falling snow and soft rain, but i cant drop him points for that. In the next patterns the theme repeats itself with a few changes until it ends in a fadeout, which seems to me the best possible way to end this song since rain doesnt just stop suddenly but gradualy disappears. The main thing i didnt like about this track is its length, its just such a good song and its a shame the artist decided to end it so quickly. Still, a very good intro. Highly recommended. The technical side is very good, you cant even notice until you check that the samples are 8 bit quality. I was amazed, they sound realy good together, nice job there. The artist used the Fxx speed effect in every row of the song, giving it a kind of jazzy rythm. Also, many channles were used , 32 to be exact, for the best possible voice. The artist used 4 channles for the lead melody alone and 14 channles for the glass bell, creating a good echoing effect. Also, a well used vibrato effect to the leading brass-string adds more meaning to its part. Very good volume control, no sample stands out too much or too little. My only complain is the fact there is no panning involved whatsoever. This is just a crime, i cant imagine how good it would sound with at least some basic panning techniques. Never the less, its very unique piece, just one of a kind i'm sure. Download away. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: MAX IN THE TOWN Filename: max.xm |
Posted Sat 29th Jun 2002
Rated 7 / 10 |
Preety good track, with a wide and rich theme which is very well written. The introductions starts with some percusion demonstration, which leads to a simple and steady beat line. The piano chords provide the background sound while a nice solo preformance carried out by a sax sample. The track keeps being interesting almost throughout the whole piece by changing the leading instruments, and transition parts. It ends in a fadeout, nothing wrong about it just a bit too fast. Good song generally, download at will. Technically its not complicated. The artist used some speed and volume effects to his advantage. Sound effects were rarley used, but when did it was for a good purpose. It has a simple sound to it, yet the samples blend nicely together. All the samples are concentrated in the middle, however the piece is of a light charcter so it doesnt sound squished. |
Title: miarabia.s3m
Filename: miarabia.s3m
Rated 9 / 10