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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: PINBALL.S3M Filename: PINBALL.S3M |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
Some mysterious music from Purple Motion? I wouldn't believe it unless I'd heard it myself. :) Actually, this is not too bad, having been written apparently for a game from the Future Crew. The echoed leads are great, almost seeming to appear out of nowhere. There's also some nice interjetions by various other instruments now and again that truly help the track to flow. The percussion is light and offers no real solidity to the track, almost making it sound like a severl-minute long intro. The mix in this track is great, as nothing is even remotely out of place. The chord progression was a bit tough to grasp in some areas though, and the samples really don't do justice to the track. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Pilotwings-64 Filename: pilotwin.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This track has some interesting concepts, but isn't very well written. The breaks are a bit tough to follow, even though the leads in the heavier portion of the track are beautiful. The percussion is not fitting, seeming to be a bit out of place. Having never heard the original of this track, I cannot tell whether the artist has done justice to it or not. The string sample was not al all the highest quality. With a better set of samples, this track might actually be much better. The percussion samples also seem to be a bit weak, and should be replaced as well. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: piggie's hut Filename: pig.mod |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
An interesting concept for a track, with a thrashing guitar, and some really nice percussion. With some lyrics, this track might be something you'd hear on an 80's thrash album. There's a really great break about two minutes in that has a nicely written solo, and almost gived the track an air of realism. The samples were really cool, and enabled this track to fit into a simple 4-channel mod. The percussion work was just a tad heavy, but was incredibly written for this style. The piece flowed well, and was tracked nicely. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: I hate pigs Filename: piggypig.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
This track has some interesting concepts, with its tempo swings and mood changes. The lead is a bit weak, really failing to bring the track into perspective. The synth rhythm is written well, though, and is really the part of the track that carries it. I didn't notice many technical marvels in this track. A lot of it is just written as plainly as possible, while there are a few instruments that are chopped up with effects. The only great technical aspect of this track are the smooth tempo transitions. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: .let's go picomen. Filename: picomen.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The intro to this track carries a bit too long, and gets a bit annoying at close to a minute. The track changes to a really heavily echoed rhythm with some realy killer voice effects soon after the intro, but again carries this phrase out too long. There are quite a few changes in the track, though it does seem to bounce back and forth through the same few ideas time and time again. There was a lot of attention paid to the rhythm section of the track, consisiting of some nice percussion, a few synth samples, and some string sounding things. The lead wasn't anything spectacular, and should have been worked with more. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Pickin' It Filename: pickin.s3m |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track is one of those that just runs borderline for being either an exceptional musical work, or a complete disaster. The track was difficuly to get into on the first listen, but after hearing it a few times, I started picking up some really cool phrasing in the rhythm guitar. The track has some interesting portions chock full of voice samples, strange effects, and weird timing issues. These work well to make the track a bit more eclectic. The heavy guitar section of the track wasn't particularly interesting, and seemed to be a bit underworked. The other portions of the track were really cool, as sort of a cross between funk and gabber. I don't know how the artist got all of these ideas to work this well together, much less to play off one another. Some extensive musical knowledge was in use during the creation of this track, as well as a bit of insanity, I believe. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Picked her a flower Filename: picked.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
With a decent intro and a pretty simple progression, this track stands out against the rest of the techno music out there. It carries some pretty cool leads, with interesting synth samples, and a realy wild phrase. There's a short break a couple of minutes into the track that really rocks, with great rhythm, though the mix back into the original theme is a bit weak coming out of this break. Overall, the track is really well written, even if it is a bit repetitious. The artist has done a really nice job on the dynamic levels in this track, making sure that nothing is out of place, and everything fits well together. The samples are well chosen, and tend to be nice quality throughout. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Arid Aboriginals Filename: pic-arid.s3m |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
This track has some really cool countermelodies and harmonic ideas, but doesn't back them up with samples that work too well. The overall theme is awesome, as Picman once again breaks off into another unexplored tracking style. Great climactic work, and really nice phrasing compliment this original track. The samples lack the necessary quality to really bring this track to its potential. The tracking is handled expertly, beautiful mixing, great arrangement, and nice effects. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: photographic Filename: fotograf.mod |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is one of those simple little tunes that get stuck in your head for weeks. The bercussion is not too great, but the chord progression is well done, and the melody fits well. Overall, a decent piece, but not an all time great. The high cymbal taps get a bit annoying after a while. Also, one of the samples tends to hang for a bit too long. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: "Let me come to you" Filename: ph_come.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The intro is a bit long, and has some questionable samples. The climax to the main theme of the track is not too bad, but still doesn't grab attention as it should. The track is weak overall, with very little substance, as the lead never really changes, and is alone through a major portion of the track. The syncopated voices are too choppy, and are difficult to stand for very long. The mute-on, mute-off effect is not too bad an idea, but should be used with higher quality samples, as it sounds a bit too choppy in this instance. Also, the chord progression gets old after a while, change it up a bit. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Persekarva vocal mix Filename: perskarv.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
I wish I could understand the vocals. Anyway, this is a cool mix, with some really nice elements in it, including great chord progressions, nice percussion, and some dark vocals. The voice samples do tend to be a bit overbearing a lot of the time, and should be mixed down a bit. The half-time section in the middle needs a bit more clarity on the percussion as well. Also, I'm not taking this too seriously. :) The mysterious synths really drove the track home for me. Excellent echo effects in that section. Again, though, the voice samples are a bit loud. Also, a bit more distinction in the bassline wouldn't hurt. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: pekko2_remix Filename: pekcal2.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
A central rhythm is carried through this track pretty much from beginning to end, with variations done directly to that rhyhtm. It's a good format, but relies quite a bit on the percussion to carry the track through some stale portions. The sweeps at the 2:20 mark are not too bad, but seem to be a bit out of place, coming in so quickly. Overall, a nice track, even if it is a bit repetitive. The dynamics are done nicely in this track, and some of the samples have killer pitch slides, but I found the overall repetitiveness almost killed it entirely. Also, the samples are a bit weak in a few key areas. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: crescent in the sky Filename: pb_crescent.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
This up-tempo track is definitely an eye opener. The bright piano and Major chord structure are sure to impose the happiness of the track onto the listener. The percussion is simple, and bit too heavy though parts of the track, and it does border on repetitiveness, but for the most part, this track shines with great phrasing, intricate melodies, and a really well balanced harmonics section. Some minor mixing issues should be considered, such as the chord progression changes. They seem to be a bit stale in several areas, and might flow better if the lead carried the track through these with a different phrase. The track is arranged well, though, offering enough content in this track to keep it from being too repetitious. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Party Time - DJ Dafuki Filename: |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
The lead in this track is sorely out of tune, killing the track quickly. The syncopation would be really nice, if the track were in tune. I highly recommend a remix, at which point an honest review on the music can be accomplished. The samples are waaay out of tune, forcing this listener to stop the song early. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: parasympathy Filename: |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track has a some cool elements, such as the panned leads, and light voice samples through the track. The track also has some great changes and a decent arrangement to it, but the percussion was a bit too harsh throughout most of it. The middle of the track is somewhat painful to listen to, as the bass drum is far too heavy, and almost difficult to follow. However, the track still works well for the most part, and is quite relaxing through the majority of the sequences. Some attention to dynamics would not hurt the track, especially in the percussion line. The ambience is well tracked, almost being too peaceful. The panning also helped improve the track overall. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Prf Ate My Brain Filename: pamb.xm |
Posted Thu 1st Apr 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This track is based on two notes that don't really fit together, giving it a weird feel. The intro carries for an obscene amount of time, and is replaced by the intro with percussion. So for the first minute and a half, you'll be pouned by repetitve notions. The track breaks into a neat synth excursion, but again carries it too far. I found the track to be intersting, but far too repetitive. Some of the samples are really cool, but the repetinature of the track burned me out. I would say that some new ideas introduced into this track once in a while might make it a much more enjoyable listening experience. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Paralyze (distort mix) Filename: paralmix.s3m |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track has quite the bite to it. When the intro began, I thought 'Oh great, not another one of these.' However, I was soon surprised to find that the artist had put quite some time into the percussion track alone. From the opening beats, this song made me move, as it had some really original stylings to it. The track is not profoundly exciting, nor does it carry a great lead, but it has some really killer styling, and a couple of sections that I think should be required listening for trance trackers. Wow, some really awesome tracking skills portrayed in this piece. The offsets, and dynamic mixing really stands out well. The phrasing appears to be a cross between techno and demostyle, and tracked accordingly, with the best of both worlds. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: paperboy-highscore Filename: paperboy.mod |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is the high score tune from the old classic game 'Paperboy.' Though it is a bit slow and boring, the artist has done a really nice job of making the track sound quite a bit like the original. I had to break out the old gaming system to check this out. Anyway, the track is pretty short, but might be in demand for some of you collectors out there. The artist has done a pretty good job of keeping everything in dynamic balance, but the real trick here is making it sound identical to the game. I think the artist did a really nice job of that. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: weeping.In.Digital Filename: pan_weep.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This track has some killer underlying synth sounds, and a neat feel to it. With quicktime notes in the rhythm section, and a slow lead, it is one of those tracks that borders on a variety of styles. The chord progression is laid out well, with obvious differences between verses and chorus. The piano is beautiful, seeming to take a life of its own as it pans around, languidly playing out the simple leads, backed by some beautiful strings and nice percussion. Overall, this is a really beautiful track, with a lot of emotion poured into it. I'm extremely impressed with the climactic builds several times through the track. The artist has done well to produce the necessary structure to this track that allows for great emotional builds. The quick notes in the mid-tone synths are a nice addition, making the trak almost appear to be moving faster than it actually is. The panning is not perfect, but does add a lot to the track in general. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Music Box Filename: |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 7 / 10 |
This cheery little tune is exactly what the name implise, a music box style waltz time track. The artist has gone to great lengths to bring reality to this style, and I'm amazed at the outcome. Again, I'm impressed with this artist's versatility and expertise. Ovrall, this is not a track that is suited for all occasions, but it is certainly a great track. Great work on the dynamic management, and in the styling. The phrasing work seems to make the song move easier, as if it were truly being played by a music box. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Pee On Jam Filename: |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
The track has a pretty piano phrase, but is killed thouroughly by the horrible percussion and the really horrible instrument tuning. To be honest, I didn't make it all the way through this track, so I can't really offer much in the likes of a review. I was turned off really quickly, and my ears started hurting. Tune the samples, please. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: HARDER,FASTER,SLOWER Filename: phhfsl.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
The damn bassdrum is a bit too heavy in this hard-core trace track. The underlying rhythm is pretty cool, and counters the sext voice samples well. On that note, I think it's only fair to say that this track carries some pretty wild content, almost comical in the sense displayed. The track is pretty repetitious, and offers litte along the lines of creativity. Several times in the track, a lead is cut a bit short, giving the track an unfinished sound. Also, the damn bassdrum is still too loud. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: # Phenomena VIII Filename: pheno8.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
The 8th addition to the Phenomena series opens with the common ambience displayed in the others, but changes quicly with the addition of a guitar. The percussion enters quicly and adds solidity to the mysterious track, but still lacks badly. The artist follows in the tradition of this series by introducing several tempo variations and theme changes, not all of which flow very well. Overall, this is not one of the best in this series, and nothing spectacular in itself. The artist controls the dynamics much better in this one than in the other track in the series, though this one lacks the flair that the others display. Changes could be handled better, which would make the track sound nicer overall. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: # Phenomena VII Filename: pheno7.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track has some of the characteristics that make you wonder where the artist got the ideas. Some of the subtle effects and phrases are top-notch work, while others tend to be below average. This track doesn't take quite as long to get going as the other Phenomena series tracks, but it carries the same ambience and styling displayed in them. The percussion could use a little work, as could the progression. Overall, this is not too bad of a tune, but id does lack in some key areas. Looking at the patterns, it is evident that the artist spent quite some time on the track. The tempo changes don't flow very well though, and could be written better. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: # Phenomena VI Filename: pheno6.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
The intro to this track is really cool, playing a light phrase with waves in the background. The song gathers strength with a nice low tone, and immerses the listener in a dreamy world. The percussion entrance is a bit sudden, but not too bad. The ambience of the early portions of the track almost lull the listener to sleep. The track makes a nice transition to a bit more upbeat phrase, and adds a slightly offkey lead. The track gets faster and faster almost constantly, with blazing percussion countered with a well developed bassline, slowing down near the end for a climactic finish. Overall, this is a really creative track, and an enjoable listening experience. The thing that almost kills the whole track is the tuning issues in the leads. The dynamic mix is handled very well, and the syncopated rhythms are written well. The track does tend to be a bit long-winded and repetitive though. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: # Phenomena V Filename: pheno5.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
This track has some really nice progressive work, but the lead is not too wonderful. The choice of samples didn't seem to fit together well, and the dynamic mix between them was a bit shabby. The ambience that the song displays is great though. With many changes throughout, and nice transitional work, this is a pretty creative track overall. This track is light, and has a few cool effects through it. The lead is a bit too loud for the rest of the track, which is about the worst problem I could find in it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: DANGEROUS INDIANS Filename: phdngind.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
Though the voice samples and the intro are pretty cool, the track jumps into a pretty hard to follow transition, and transforms into something between Gabba music and techno. I was not impressed with the repetitiveness of the track, after the intro. One Word: Dynamics! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: *DON'T FUCK PHANTOM* Filename: phdfwtp.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The intro panning didn't do much for me, but it still introduced the themes that were to come later well. The track seemed to take forever to get rolling, with pattern after pattern of the same thing, with one minor change each time. For over two minutes, I was bombarded with the same thing over and over,. The track broke into a lyrical encounter, that made me laugh, because the singers were so damn happy, and the music behind them was so dark. Once again, the track turned to the original theme, and ridiculed me with damn nasty panning again. Overall, this was a pretty funny track in its contrasts, but not extremely enjoyable to listen to. The panning was not handled too well, as it seemed to bounce all over the place, making the song almost inaudible at times. The samples were not too great, and had minor tuning issues as well. The dynamic mix was way off, being for too overbearing mors of the time. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Phase Techno Filename: PHASE.MOD |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 5 / 10 |
The intro is a bit too heavy, but breaks into a killer breakbeat pattern, with some nice synth work, and a cool set of voice samples. The sparse availability of lead is not becoming in this track, and the thick sounding samples is a bit more than my ears could take. This track has some interesting aspects, and might be worth a listen once, but it offers very little after the first listen. The syncopation was handled nicely, but the dynamic mix needs much, much more work. A lot of the samples were pretty weak as well. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: PHANTOMS Filename: PHANTOMS.MOD |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track is sort of a dark hip-hop mixed with demostyle and thematic music. If has a simple percussion line, countered with a nice lead set, and some dark strings. The chord progression is done nicely, and carries the lead well through the track, but a nice Major-key bridge would definitely improve the overal sound. Another nicely tracked 4-channel mod. Not too terribly technical, but the aertist does use some cool fades and manages to keep the track at a nice dynamic mix throughout. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Phantom of the opera-DJ D Filename: phantom.s3m |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 2 / 10 |
This is the original mix from the track If you'd like to read a more detailed review, refer there. This track is even worse. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Phantom Train Filename: PHANTOM.MOD |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
The track has a cool bassline, with some pitch slide tricks rolling about. This is backed up with some of the most creative lead manipulation I've heard in a while. The wind sample in the background is a bit out of place, though. The percussion is pretty simple, but fits well with the style of the track. Overall, not too bad a track, with an exceptionally creative lead. The style changes are written well, with use of decent samples, and great tracking skills. All of this managed to fit snugly into 4 channels, which is also a great accomplishment. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Phantom of the opera rmx Filename: |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 3 / 10 |
This artist has chosen to remix a track, and make it better. However, I found the track to be abysmal. The whole thing sounds terribly out of key, and the samples chosen are definitely not the ones that should have been used. The percussion is almost just as bad, but I'm not even going to justify that with a description. Riddled with augmented tones, this track will certainly hurt your ears. No dynamics, no fades, nothing! This track is pretty much all at the same volume, which just made my ears hurt. The tiny bits of panning used were among the worst I've heard. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: phantazia.2 Filename: phantaz.mod |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
This track has a really killer flow to it, with some of the fastest syncopation work I've ever heard. The melody is wrapped into the track, encapsulated by blob synths, voice samples, and constant drum changes. The light choir fits really well during the resolved slower part of the track, bringing it to a great climax. Overall, this is damn near one of the coolest 4-channel Amiga mods I've ever heard. The absolute wonder?? How does someone make all of this happen in only 4 channels? This song is riddled with complexities spanning from mutes, fades, syncopated rhythms, and dynamics. The artist fit this great mix into that little space, and he's got my appreciation for it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Phantasmagoria Filename: PHANTA.MOD |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 6 / 10 |
This track has one of the scariest intros I've ever heard! I mean, it sounds like something awful is going to happen! You know what, something awful does happen. The percussion comes in. For about ten or fifteen seconds, the percussion kills the track. Soon enough, though, the track breaks into a nice demostyle rhythm, and gets nice. The lead is well written, and fits perfectly over the awesome synth work, and great hits. The only drawback I can hear is the occasional Atari-sounding blob. Overall, this is a kick ass 4-channel track, with some nice elements. The sample quality in the percussion line almost kills the track, but is balanced by a well written lead, and some great rhythm hits. The track is mixed well, and has a cool repeat, that allows one to bask in the interesting mood of this track forever and ever. Well, almost. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Muster Pilots Filename: pha-mp8.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is the 8-bit version of a track that has already been reviewed. Please refer to pha-mp16.xm for a full review. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Muster Pilots Filename: pha-mp16.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
This is the 16-bit version of this track, with the 8-bit being available as well. This review will serve as the review for both tracks. The intro is pretty cool, throwing voice samples around, daring the listener to wonder what's coming up. There's one sample in particular, though, that keeps saying "sixty seconds." I keep thinking that something's going to change in that time. However, I'm wrong in that, as the track never really changes. The lead is not too brilliant on the piano, with some annoying trill-like work, and sounds a bit cheap. The 8th note rhythm is too clangy, and makes the track jump a bit too much. Overall, this is not a horrible track, and is quite enjoyable in some respects, but does not make the all-time greatest hits list by any stretch. 8th notes galore. This track hits 8 times every second, with a little too much enthusiasm. The dynamics need major improvement. The lead is almost inaudible due to this. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Dance of the Peyote People Filename: peyote.s3m |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 8 / 10 |
The intro gives the impression that this track is going to be light and slow, but the listener finds quickly that the track is more demostyle, much more upbeat and exciting than the intro offers. The chord progression is really interesting, spanning some really strange tones in pursuit of resolution, and blasting out a really weird Eastern-sounding lead. The synth work in this track is exceptional, bouncing tones between low and high in conjunction with the bassline. This is one of the mors intricately woven track I've heard in a long time, with some slick voice samples augmenting the overall mix. In general, this is a killer track, falling just short of perfection, as the track lacked just a bit of fire. The syncopation is absolutely phenomenal, propelling the track into a nicely flowing piece of music. The breaks into long tones work well, offering refuge from the consistant on again, off again syncopation. Overall, nothing seems to be out of place, and this track has all the elements that make a song great. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Petuh on line Filename: petuh.xm |
Posted Thu 25th Mar 1999
Rated 4 / 10 |
There's a pretty interesting phone conversation in the beginning of the track, achieved by using some neat panning ideas. This dream track has little else to offer, as the lead is a little stagnant, and the percussion is waaaaay too loud. The strings were not very clean, mostly due to the weak samples, which made the chord progression a little painful. With a few echo effects, and a little panning, this track actually does get a couple of technical points. However, the lack of dynamic control and repetitive nature of the track caused it to fall behind a few as well. |
Title: Let's Pingpong-DJ Dafuki!
Filename: pingpong.s3m
Rated 3 / 10